
That’s because the topic at hand isn’t really politics it’s about the team. It’s wrong as fuck but since the conversation won’t go anywhere decent I won’t be wasting my time chatting here. I have other places to talk actual politics.

That is exactly it. All these people excusing this are people who are thinking they would feel the same way. They see themselves in his actions. He doesn’t says he apologizes for his racism. Or his racist thoughts. Black people are tired of being told how to feel about the racism we experience.

Dr. Ford told the truth. She was credible. Brett Kavanaugh lied. We all saw it. Decent people should never ever let Brett and his supporters forget it. No decent person should rest until he is removed from the court.

I’m of the mind that, if and when hard evidence of treason comes to light, every single enabler in the WH and congress has to be shit-canned (at minimum, but preferably locked up). I’m talking Nazi-hunter level GOP purging. “Just following orders” ain’t gonna cut it this time!

I’m busy playing Resident Evil 2, which ironically enough mostly takes place in a police station and has a blatantly corrupt police chief who you later end up fighting and killing, so it feels quite poetic to play that today.

I usually attend a Super Bowl party but I’m not because I have to protest Colin’s lose of his job because he took a principled stance. I’ve been the lone wolf naming and confronting racism while my pack took two steps back sooo many times. Afterward, I heard their excuses: You too militant...We know how whites are,

lol You are such an angry little dork. You pretend to be mad about the courts so you rage online at people for daring to suggest the Democrats might have failed their voters a few times. Yet you are willing to make excuses for Schumer and Obama letting Republicans steal a supreme court seat. I know I am better

It’s the Ricky Gervais approach. They’re just serial contrarians who make a living from pissing people off and getting smug from it, it’s only now that liberalism on lots of social issues is widespread meaning they’ve reverted to the other side (with Gervais claiming we should do more to protect animals while at the

When did that happen? When Trump was President? Or when the Democrats let Mitch McConnell steal a Supreme Court seat? If you are so mad about the courts then why aren’t you howling for Obama and Chuck Schumer’s blood? Why would you ever vote for politicians that failed you so completely?

We need a new word for them. What do you call the faction of our community who hates and looks down on everyone who isn’t a straight black male?

“you have to put aside life-saving drug...”

He’s just gonna “both sides” his way to 1% of the vote.

I can’t get past the fact that he is looking everywhere but the camera. Look up, man!

Just popping in to say that I really did try to work the MSNBC thing in there, but could not figure out a good way to do it. But trust me, I have not forgotten, and it is part of why I will hold a grudge against Chris Matthews until I am dead. :)

Good points, I just wish there was a bit more about Phil Donohue. He was an empathetic liberal on 70s tv, on feminism but especially about gay rights when that was a shocking thing, but he did his best to show gay people in a humanizing way. Crazy now that I even have to put it that way, how far we’ve come. Never

I guess it’s too bad for him the photos weren’t shot at a basketball game.

Keep reminding Republicans that those idyllic 50's that they all want to go back to had marginal tax rates topping out at like 90%.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

I think it was that throw to Gronk down the sideline where he noted, “If the safety steps up, he’s going to Gronk one-on-one.” I immediately was staring at that safety, saw him step up, and I was like, “Here it comes.”

I think the problem is we aren’t willing to acknowledge how vastly different the world is from back then, like it or not social media plays a big part in our lives whether we want it to or not. Boycotts are no longer as effective as they were back then, now attacking them on social media gets way more results because