
it’s okay, most of the trumpers spanking it to her aren’t accepting she’d stomp on their nuts wait they’d like that.

Nope.  I have two aunts that are the official makers of Mac and cheese.  My mother can make it in a pinch but since she is lactose intolerant I have to taste it and I can make it but I’m still not in the big leagues yet so I don’t.  I am still getting my cheeses right so I know I have a way to go.  That tub of

A few centuries ago, an African said “people like you” to a European, turned that European racist, and suddenly slavery.

KDKA recently underwent a shuffle of new News Director and GM this past year, and their editorial slant has been clear since they hired racist ass Wendy Bell almost immediately for the radio side.

She meant what she said, which that she “supports the recognition”. Meaning that she supports the idea that Black Lives Matter is a thing that exists. Then she told us that she doesn’t fuck with Black Lives Matter. Nothing else to see here lol.

Could you imagine being asked about violence against police officers and going “Yes but all life matters. We shouldn’t focus on just these people, we need tot focus on everyone. What about cop on cop violence?”

who is Rashida Talib? is motherfucker even a ‘bad’ word still?  I’m surprised that could be a news story in 2018.  Hasn’t everyone called Trump a motherfucker by now, at some point? Though, I suppose there are other words people use as well, such as: traitor, idiot, puppet, etc.

That was the happiest story of the day, so they have to let it go and pursue this depressing stuff.

I greatly appreciate The Root. It makes me feel like I’m not crazy. It’s also allowed me to center my energy and intelligence around discussions that aren’t debating whether or not racism or rape or police brutality have other perspectives to consider. 2016 killed Facebook and I say good riddance.

I feel like you and I have a similar viewpoint on how to look at politicians: focus on a politicians policies/stances/record, contextualize/view politics with some nuance, and fairly critique folks instead of straight up mudslinging.

See, I disagree with you on some points (particularly the ACA) but I can at least respect and understand your viewpoint. You have a more leftist critique of Obama (some of which I do agree with), but you can also acknowledge that he did some good.

BTW The ACA is a souped-up version of Mitt Romney’s plan when he was governor of Massachusetts, which itself was a conservative brain-child.”

omg thousand times this.

Koch brothers astro turfing began then, yes.. whats your point?

Agree mostly, but “He backed out of the public option for healthcare because he was scared of Republicans.” No he knew je couldn’t get Lieberman’s vote unless he “backed out.

It’s all on you Donnie. 

Off topic but for a week now Kinja has been barely functional.  When I click on my tab, it shows me when I’ve gotten a reply to a post, but votes are simply a blank window with a time.  And when I attempt to click on the reply so I can view and respond, the link doesn’t work, which makes it damn near impossible to

Throw Onyx on there and it sounds like we need to go hotbox a mofo.