
This was so monumental! People should understand while Lacy Clay talked the talk of a progressive, he is really a corporate shill that’s taken tens of thousands of dollars from Wall Street while selling out poor and working-class Black people for a long time.

I also love "Sleepless" from the Dark was the Night compilation album

July, July was the first song I heard from The Decemberists and I've been a fan ever since. Castaways and Cutouts might be my favorite album of theirs and California One, Youth and Beauty Brigade is my favorite song.

I actually saw this movie on HBO (has to be about 25 years ago now). I agree the narrative diverted in multiple directions, but I enjoyed the love story and how the movie portrayed the inter-racial conflict between Blacks and Asians. It was both sad and hopeful.

I didn’t care when Larry David’s Bernie talked about him using a private jet or Kate McKinnon’s Warren talking about “Bernie Bros” (although it should be noted Bernie has attracted more POC and women of any other candidate). It’s a comedy bit and while it wasn’t funny to me, I was far from upset.

Something must be wrong with me because I didn’t think her questions were out of bounds. She’s a journalist, not a publicist for Kobe.

Before Star Wars: KotOR I had never played an Rpg before and certainly not a turn-based one. However, I kept hearing how great the story was and that it was better than the movies, except for The Empire Strikes Back. I decided to give it a try and it’s the best gaming decision I’ve made.

It’s funny to me (not really) how these types of Black men who accuse powerful Black women like Oprah of anti-Black male bias for calling out misogynistic behavior by prominent Black men (e.g. Simmons, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly) never show compassion for their victims, who’re are almost always Black women.

Bullshit. More Bernie Supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Clinton supporters voted for Obama in 2008 (or don’t you remember the Party Unity My Ass coalition). And maybe if Clinton actually campaigned in Wisconsin and Michigan instead of mistaking the election for a coronation she might’ve beat Trump.

And what did pragmatism get you in 2016?

Obama also deported more people than the Bush administration, authorized the killing of an American citizen and his son, backed drone strikes that killed thousands of innocents, attempted to reduce social security benefits through his “Grand Bargain” and betrayed the residents of Flint, Michigan by drinking two

Except it won’t because those on private insurance will still be paying into the public option.

Stephen A Smith has been trash for years now. If he were a politician, he’d be Tim Scott of South Carolina.

The public option is a non-starter. It will create a two-tiered system where private insurance companies will cherry-pick young and healthy people and get richer off of the private taxes we currently refer to as premiums.

In no way will I defend Cenk’s past comments, but the key word is “past”. There have been way too many stories involving people being dragged for past comments. I care more about actions, which is always the best indicator of changed behavior. As an daily viewer of TYT, It’s difficult for me to believe Cenk is a

You make excellent points. There are no perfect candidates, but I’ll take Bernie’s consistency on issues from LGBTQ+ rights (he didn’t wait until 2012 to be in favor of gay marriage) to his support of women’s reproductive rights (before Roe v. Wade btw) to his passionate speech against the 1994 Crime bill (which he

Also, Secular Talk and The Michael Brooks Show.

Agreed. I just got triggered when he talked about being respectful as if it were a cure-all to not getting harassed or shot.

Your point is well taken. I actually thought more about it after I made my post and I do agree that his comments were actually things that Black parents have been telling their children for a very long time. I guess my only problem initially was it sounded like he was telling Black people to accept second-class

As much as I despise the way The Root covers Sanders as if he were an anti-Black bigot, it was an objectively ignorant and tone-deaf answer by Sanders. Black people have been told for decades to respect the police to avoid anything bad from happening and it’s done nothing to prevent them from murdering us and