
I had a lot of trouble with l’affaire Reid. When someone tries to explain away their homophobia because it was years ago, I think, well, back then we needed you to be decent even more than now.  I accept her apology, but I used to think she was kind of brilliant, and she lost her luster, because homophobia isn’t a

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

Shame is a constant companion to our disunity! If Black athletes just didn’t show up for a series of games (they could take a small $ hit) or say, walked out at half-time or stopped action at the same time and knelt with their fists raised?! What a message!

And the best part is that it’s just going to sharpen her. She’s inexperienced so she has a lot to learn, but having a target on her will force her to sharpen her game in a way that other new members won’t ever experience.  I’m confident she can step-up her game now that she knows everyone is coming for her.

“Don’t y’all have jobs to do?”

Why do you insist upon supporting the status quo? Do you get bags of lobbyist cash? What makes you think that the “centrist”, “moderate”, “third way” whatever the fuck you want to call it is going to work after miserably failing after 40 years? Is it going to work now?

Man is ranked only six slots behind Barbara Lee on Progressive Punch. He’s definitely got some problematic views (primarily charter schools and Israel), but he’s not quite the complete centrist/McCain level war hawk folks are making him out to be. He’s waffled on supporting M4All, but I definitely think he can be

Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this

In a just world, Santorum would be the village idiot, cleaning sewers and privies for food scraps in between his inevitable sentencing to the public stocks for public lewdness and drunkenness. I refuse to watch CNN because of their insistence on hiring buffoonish shills like Santorum in chase of the mythical, centrist,

This is an interesting case. If he had initially used the six-character abbreviation of the word instead of the six-character word, we wouldn’t even be talking about whether the comment is racist.

An earlier version of my comment included the line “Obviously $3.2M was less than the oil & gas sector gave to congressional Republicans” but I deleted it because I assumed the commenting community was already aware that the oil & gas industries have a strong Republican ideological preference.

“ keep out this sort of racist bullshit in the future.”

Our system in Canada may not be perfect, but I’m so thankful that I would never have to go through something like this...

On-topic: I’m not giving the Federalist my clicks, so I’ll assume it was a Costco sample-sized bit of fuckery and nonsense.

I would follow Barbara Lee over cliff! She is a force of nature for her constituents.

Domestic violence only escalates. If they’re slapping you today, they’ll be punching you tomorrow and be killing you before the end of the week.

I think you’ve ben Kinja’d

This is exactly the sort of 90s era New Democrat thinking that we need to leave behind with Pelosi. It doesn’t matter how many taxes democrats cut, they’re always going to be the party of raising taxes. Lean all the way into it and talk about the benefits people are going to get from those taxes. Stop trying to meet

This is so important - when people say things about the racists all dying out I’m like, no, the racists are being radicalized and indoctrinated early. We cannot rely on them dying out.

Lol. Remember when we all believed that was Prez Obama? Until the Wall street Financiers’ Bail out, the ACA catering to Insurance & Pharmaceutical corporations and the endless drone wars. I remember when I had the audacity to hope for a president for the 99%. Epic Fail with a white Supremacist/Nazi backlash we haven't