
I am weary of all the “new language” the right keeps coming up with.  What used to be “equal rights” is now “identity politics.”  What used to be “not being a dick” is now “politically correct.”  And what used to be “Nazi scum” is now “alt-right.”  So goes the GOP “rebranding.”

Wow scrolling through the comments it seems like Bernie is being painted as the Trump of the left, which I think in my opinion is pretty disingenuous. Especially considering as a result of him being to the left of the Democratic Party he has few legislative accomplishments.

Funny how white people who only vote for white men say that coalitions of other voters are “identity politics” voters.

What if I told you one has been sitting in front of us this whole time?

I’m hoping that is Andrew Gillum. I’m not holding my breath on this re-count, but he’s amazing, and the fact that the votes are currently hovering at one half of one percent is heartening. I’ve been in the bag for him since before the primaries and I think he’s got what it takes to go long. He’s been a breath of fresh

I’m pretty sure this is her whole life. Except she replaces Obama with ‘liberal agendas, fake news, and Hillary’s emails when she is really upset.

Amazing how a white dude that critically wounds multiple cops can be taken alive

Plus, they’ll all be dead by the time all of Trump’s terrible decisions catch up to us.

Lee was a slaver and a traitor. He and the rest of the confederate leadership should have been tried for their treason. The world prosecuted much of the leadership of the Axis after World War II and Germany has made Nazi symbology illegal. We should have done the same here after the south was ground down in deserved

The life of a Trump supporter is very confusing. You have to hate the NFL and Harley Davidson but like Kanye West. I hope the next step for Trump will be to make them like Hillary and hopefully then monkey’s heads will explode dancing to that tune.

You are far nicer then I would be. He’s a coon hunter and he’s a mighty fine one at that. Were Cosby not currently locked up, i’m sure Trump would be glad to have a lunch date with him.

Odd that you chose to blame Jill Stein, but not Gary Johnson, even though he received thrice as many votes as Stein. Personally I find this particular blame game entirely misplaced and demonstrating a disdain for democracy, as these candidates and their parties had every right to run a campaign as they saw fit and

Yeah... you’ve got the wrong one. White Latinos are the only Latinos ever highlighted. Giving them more airtime is not my ministry.


All she’ll have to do is say “I feared for my life” and she’s good to go. 

Cory Booker’s cornball ways have nothing to do with what you’re insinuating. It’s his grandstanding while doing nothing. How he got a photo op for frolicking in the snow with Jeff Flake in a snowball fight. Or when he held a live press conference and announced that he was going to do something historic and then

That was cool, Cory. I guess folks can now start calling you Cool Cory...

Fuck Art Rooney II and the Steelers. Fuck Pouncey and his brother for supporting Aaron Hernandez. Get yours Le’Veon.

I think he did this for the click and or owning the libs.

Brilliant analysis but needs more of this...