
Salute Black men, especially @RayJ if it wasn’t for him letting you wax him off after being @ParisHilton’s project, you’d still be cleaning closets!

I don’t know why people think this is hard. Some of us have already done it. Been done been doing it.

But you know what’s really golden? Your page view. So far I have about 6.9 million & yours just pushed Harriot closer to my #1 status. Damn you..but thanks.

This week was a good week for racism schadenfreude. It started with the big cookout in Oakland after the charcoal Nazi lost it. Then there was the NY lawyer who is in the process of losing his job and hopefully getting disbarred. And then there’s Becky with the bad animal connection. And now that we got more of the

As a heterosexual dude, I honestly think I would or, at the very least, put a lot of thought into it.


I am in no place to say whether the issue is overblown or not, but I love what you have to say in the latter half of your comment. Esp the statement about W. Kamau vs Ben Carson. Amen!

Thank you! Thank you! I love W. Kamau Bell.

Seriously, white men have been writing for female and non-white characters for decades and they could care less. When non-white writers and female writers have an opportunity the concerns come rolling in about how they can’t properly capture the characters or even worse *gasp* create non-white male characters.

This is America.

Me feel like rules are suspended if it mostly-empty theater and terrible movie. Me took kids to see Emoji Movie as their first “so bad it good” experience, and only other person in theater was friend of theirs, so they spent movie shouting at screen and it was loads of fun.

“We made the purchase to show them that we’re equal and we didn’t have to steal anything,” said Rogers.

Yeah, it sucks to live in a society with other people in it, doesn’t it?

People who are not Black simply don’t understand racism. It’s not using a funny voice. When you bitches are getting lynched and redlined BY THE GOVERNMENT, call me.

Cartoonivore killin ‘em with that logic...

YOU are the one making the claim that people who have and have had a problem with Apu for the last 30 years are being disingenuous or stupid. That is on you pal. A person can like something while still criticizing some aspects of it. If you didn’t hear those criticisms then you either weren’t listening or purposefully

The problem isn’t that “racists” are using the only Indian cartoon character on television to make fun of Indians regardless of the details of the character. The problem is that everyone is using the only Indian cartoon character on television to inform their enter attitude on Indian people.

Bill Cosby shitted on the Black Community with that “pound cake” bullshit, just giving gleeful white conservatives all kinds of fodder that they’ve lapped up and been throwing at us ever since. That’s what he’s done for the Black Community.

Ordinarily I would do more than skim an article before commenting but based on the topic, I cannot. Koonye can fuck right on off I don’t want to hear jack shit from him.