
She ain’t the Jesse Lee Peterson but she is definitely of the Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Jason Whitlock variety.

Yo I was a kid but I was at that speech also! (or perhaps another speech he gave during the same trip? I was young, I don’t totally remember the context. I looked up to him at the time which is crazy to think about now.

This is true. I remember him speaking at the NAACP annual convention when it was held in Pittsburgh back in ‘97. I hadn’t heard of him before his speech, which I thought was inspiring at the time. He told a few personal stories, including the one about being bullied for his lack of knowledge, only to become book

I take your point, but what is the alternative? The silence of resignation?

I don’t understand how hard this is to understand.

Your vote doesn’t change police behavior if there are no candidates willing to do something about it.

Did you all see that bullshit from Adidas about Colin? “If an NFL team picked him up, we absolutely would give him an endorsement deal.”. So fucking do it already. There’s about 10 rappers that have deals with Adidas, and I would guess Kanye and I have about the same athletic ability.

Was “Stop police from murdering citizens” a ballot initiative that we all missed?

So that’s all you get from this, voting? So are you one of those Hillary zealots who thinks she lost because of Kaepernick not voting? Our ancestors didn’t struggle & die for the right to vote for republican or democrat, Hillary or Trump, they struggle for the right to vote as citizens of this country. That right also

I mean all that voting has stopped police lynchings...oh wait.

Whether that will equal votes is another story. For now, he may have been the most exciting politician at NAN who directly took on racial inequality and what that means for America.

Why do you want to watch highlights on ESPN instead of online? Why does it make any sense, at all, for ESPN to show highlights when people can watch them much more easily than online?

goo for you

Agreed, especially in an age when so many are willing to accept the tired lie that CNN is some kind of leftist propaganda outlet.

When I bought that album, my first listen was late at night in a lonely and unfamiliar apartment while I browsed the internet.  Totally forgot music was even playing, much less what was playing.  Hearing that track freaked me the Hell out.

My thoughts exactly. Reid’s show isn’t completely bad but her Twitter feed is just awful.

“Killer Mike doesn’t have the discography to keep doing this”

Anytime I leave a relative’s house after some big event with a lot of food (Christmas, family reunions, 4th of July), I wind up driving home with Country Crock and Cool Whip containers full of leftovers. We’re not a black family, just came from lower-lower middle class in the South.

“Black Jeopardy” generally has a white person as the outsider in the sketch. This time it was a character from a fictional African utopia. In either instance the sketch is about cultural divide. The bit usually has stereotypical white people being out of place an unable to understand what’s going on and then trying to