
She hates 80% of the people in South Africa. I want to know why these parasites don’t move to Europe.

It also fails to take into account the other main issue that the main Officer who shot Clark is black. How can a black man be racist against blacks?


Trent can pump out a NIN album once every few years, but I’m still out here waiting on the next Tool album like

I agree that Lamb ran a smart campaign. He didn’t take corporate PAC money, so he could claim he wasn’t bought, and he supported unions, Social Security and Medicare. As long as Republican politicians run against these issues they will lose.

If you bring your wife & kids out on public television then they are open for tame jokes. Desus joke wasn’t even that hard. It was a proverbial light tap to the chin. For this clown to react the way he did on his show when Charlamagne goes at people’s throats everyday, all day and not expect fall back when he commits

On the tapes, Hazelwood and others laughed and joked about the idea of the Browns going to the Super Bowl.

I hope he ends up in Atlanta, because we all know what happened the last time Sherman went there.



Nope. Communism always sounds great until you get “Presidents for Life” , secret police,the inability to leave, food lines and mass graves for those who disappeared. I’ve been to Cuba, nice place, nice people, but most of them would do anything to get off that island.

Uh, no. Show me a country that hasn’t gone full horror show under communist rule. China doesn’t count. I’ve been there. You can’t breathe there without coating your lungs in soot. I am more open to social democracy like they have in Canada. But we need to take over the Democratic Party first before we take the country

T’challa in Black Panther is also a straight edge character who is also a bit of a square but because the movie has a compelling story and T’challa is surrounded by awesome characters and an amazing world like Wakanda then the movie works

They don’t even have to look far for the solution:

That’s fair, but it’s also outlet-dependent. As a freelancer for this site usually doing a set amount of blogs a week, yeah, there’s going to be some opinion in there when I’m not doing a history piece or reporting on something. If I was on staff somewhere and was just able to spend my time chasing stories, then yeah,

Oh, Danielle....you know the colonizers would lose their minds over anything that portrays Black people in a positive light, or at least one that shows them as superior to them.

Look, I’m gonna keep putting sugar on my grits like my grandma showed me and I’m gonna smuggle my ass into Wakanda if I have to and start a sugar-grits underground.

As Much as I like Jim Cornette, he had a blind spot for what a racist and homophobic shit head Watts was.