
That’s all we need really. I hate how everyone keeps saying she’s the ‘smart one’ or somehow better than the rest of the Trumps. That’s a pretty fucking low bar to begin with and she’s done absolutely nothing at all to prove to me she’s a decent human being.

Oh man, after being scared for Muslims, Mexicans, women, Jews, Arabs, black people, black Muslim women, gay people, lesbians, trans people, trans Mexicans, Syrians specifically, Hillary Clinton specifically, protestors at Trump rallies, Hispanics who aren’t Mexican, Sikhs, Hindus, Asian-Americans, Muslim Africans,

No, Ms. Krazberger, you weren’t “dumb” for taking the job, especially if you had few options. You needed a job,you needed to get paid, something that differentiates you from almost nobody. That she only needed a week off after spawning is nice, but most women need longer to recover and want time to bond with their

She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.

One of the nice things about living in Texas (no jokes, please) is that we get hardly any political ads, since everyone knows this state would vote Republican even if Jesus ran for the Dems. The GOP doesn’t need to bother, and the Dems don’t bother pissing into the ocean. It’s kind of refreshing, actually, even if it

Dear Donald,

I refuse to believe that America’s superhero is a man that looks like a disgruntled rooster. I would rather have Hillary Clinton hack up an entire lung into a foreign dignitary’s lap before Donald Trump has a conversation with one.

Now, now. She was ALSO in the senate! And IIRC, we elect one person to be ‘The Senate’. So if she couldn’t fix all the problem while she was The Senate, why would you make her The Executive Branch? I’m not a scientist, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.

Hillary is a frail, sickly woman. And she’s destroying Trump.

I grew up in a very Conservative area of Virginia (you know where Eric Cantor was voted out for not being conservative enough? I grew up there). I have heard it ALL about Hillary Clinton and I’ve come to this conclusion:

They’re getting this desperate and there’s still four weeks to go. By the election, Trump’s ads will be Hillary look-a-likes and body doubles being shot, maimed, burned, stabbed, drowned, slapped, kicked, punched, choked and then flayed by Ramsay Bolton.

I really wish someone would quote Gerald Ford to Trump: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.”

I’ve been waiting for over a decade for the Republican Party to get eaten alive by the “moral majority” they co-opted back in the 80's for easy votes.

Also, puts paid the notion that he was merely being polite. He’s now a liability for whomever employs him in future because he has a documented history of making female colleagues and clients uncomfortable by sexualizing and demeaning them and asking them to physically touch other dudes for kicks. This is delicious.

Punchable Faces Magazine just found their November cover star.

They find the connection between him and Putin, including campaign money, etc. and he’s charged for treason. boom.

I can’t even count how many comments I’ve read from guys saying that everyone talks about sex and that even women enjoy talking about it. It legit scares me that the concept of consent still flies over men’s heads. What Trump was describing was not consensual.