
Yes. And/or racists.

This is really shaking a lot of my core values because I feel the same way. I want to point and say “see I fucking told you so when” his trade and immigration policies fuck our economy and when the abortion rate goes up because women lose access to health care. I want him to fucking fail miserably.

Yes. Said as a white person. This is a white people thing. White people did this. This is on white people and only white people. Hillary Clinton could have been the world’s most inspiring candidate and it would not have mattered. White people wanted Trump. And got him.

White supremacy reigned strong across Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Let’s see how the people who voted for Trump in these states feel in four years.

The “something else” is called logic. It’s logical to assume that the person who is better qualified, better funded, better supported, performs better, campaigns better, and who runs on a less divisive (i.e. less sexist and racist) platform will win. The only point at which that isn’t logical is if you’re aware of

I hope Trump sends the rest of their jobs overseas and the region completely dies after last night. I don’t care about how awful and petty that sounds. Clinton planned to give new ckean energy plans to the region; Mango Mussolini has no plan, and I hpe they fucking choke on it.

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

Maybe, I’m no expert on the field but whatever, it’s still just a typical knee-jerk reaction that the losing side always cry for. We heard it from Texas so I’m not surprised we’re hearing it from California. Would I want to live in a free CA? Maybe but it’s just a dream that will never happen. If Texas couldn’t do it,

All that he said, all that he did.....still better than a woman in power. Fuck. Telling my daughter when she wakes up And goes to school is going to kill me.

Your city or town will be assigned a good squad. Please remember that it could take up to four weeks for your assigned goon squad to reach you, as there are many others to be punished. We anticipate high volumes of offenders to punish. Don’t call us asking, “Where is my goon squad?” They will reach you eventually.

Where do I sign up to be pushed onto the Subway tracks?

Mad. I’m fucking furious at the people voting Stein or abstaining. I say to those people: you “liberals” didn’t care when are rights are on the line. I think you guys are the worst because you think you’re liberal but you’re a sexist, racist piece of shit. America won’t be majority white for too much longer and we

Yeah I’m apparently man-ing “wrong” too. I genuinely like her. She’s smart, tough, beyond qualified, impeccably prepared, never lets any of the BS thrown her way stop her policy goals. And the whole first woman president thing too is just so exciting. What’s not to like? She’s a boss. THE boss hopefully.

It’s the middle of the night here in Germany and I will probably stay up until dawn because I NEED TO KNOW WE WILL ALL BE FINE, PLEASE LORD!!!! Sending all of you American Jezzies positive thoughts from across the globe!

All four of my grandparents were born in the US and all of us that are living are voting for Hillary, including my 87-year-old grandma who is stoked to vote. My mom’s side has even been in the US since the Mayflower and have generally been socially progressive. Ann Coulter can suck it.

This white, middle aged, non-college educated male with 4 grandparents born in America also says FUCK YOU, Ann Coulter!!!!

Really? Really?! 4 Grandparents. Shall we just skip to calling the rest untermenschen und mischlingen, jetz? Wann ihren mutter war einen madchen, habst sie einen Judenfect? Was machen Sie, hund? Fucking awful human being, that one.

Otherwise known as one of the provisions of the Nuremberg Laws.

And Trump wouldn’t be eligible to run under those parameters. Stupid dipshit.