Oh. Right. That’s what started people calling Rivera “crazy.” I just remember thinking it sounded stupid at the time but can’t remember why I roll my eyes whenever I see some stupid “There’s Naya Rivera being crazy again” story.
Oh. Right. That’s what started people calling Rivera “crazy.” I just remember thinking it sounded stupid at the time but can’t remember why I roll my eyes whenever I see some stupid “There’s Naya Rivera being crazy again” story.
So, he’s just been a piece of shit for years now and we're just finding out. Ugh.
Still better than the way Pavarotti broke up with the 3 tenors...
Fine, fine, they’ve charged the cop with murder. Are they going to assign a competent, unconflicted goddamn prosecutor to it? And make sure the judge isn’t a former prosecutor? Because as we’ve all seen, charging cops is a good start, but it isn’t enough.
This is heartbreaking. And how awful for the family that everyone can watch a video of their child murdered (if it was against their wishes for it to be released).
Don’t know, but I bet if you’d been hugged more as a child you’d be less awful.
The dialogue was hokey but I could deal with it. Then they whipped out the “he thinks he’s the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera!” and I was all, “We are done here, show.”
I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”
To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”
I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the…
Currently dealing with this. Can confirm, don't talk to HR.
I feel like we should all adopt that phrase as shorthand to describe any sufficiently crazy night. “How was Friday?’
My husband made me stop watching those because they’re so insane & would suck me in. Is sneak watch it while nursing my baby and dive for the remote when I heard him coming.
Agreed. I tried to convince a SB-hating co-worker who wouldn't let his kid watch the show that SB is actually a great role model. Who is a better friend? Who has a better attitude? Who is a more conscientious employee? The world would be a better place if we were all a little more like SpongeBob.
see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year
Man, it really is like a different universe for rich people, eh?
Rational person: this movie failed because it was a shitty white savior narrative.
True, but when he followed that up by coming our in his underwear and lip-syncing to “Old Time Rock n Roll”, that was a little much for a wedding.
Still would. Even in a hot dog / dog costume.