

Are we gonna talk about the bit where Kanye approved of Tyga "getting in early" with Kylie?

I read this on the way to work and I damn near shouted "FUCK YEAH!" at your original comment. I don't know you, but I am fucking proud of you and humbled.

Did you even bother to read what she wrote before you jumped right in?

Your method is a valid option that may or may not work (and may backfire horribly) just like her method of going to HR may or may not work (or may backfire horribly) depending on the temperament of the coworker, how HR functions at her work, and whether or not her boss inexplicably favors this douche.

Why is it her responsibility to cajole him to do his damn job? He is her peer, not her subordinate.

You are such a one trick pony.

Its not her job to tell some fuckwit to do their job and pull their weight.

Way to go. I work with a male co-worker and we do the same job but out of the two of us I am the one that got asked to cover the reception desk twice a month during lunch hour. I also am the one that got asked to stock the supply cabinet and be on the party planning committees. And at Christmas time they only ask the

who cares? As a paid professional, her colleague should have common sense. Not her job to teach him what his parents should of.

They are incompetent because they choose to be incompetent. It works for them.

It really makes sense for big offices to have janitors/cleaners, etc. It seems like a seriously dick move for a company to expect their highly educated white collar employees to also clean the bathroom and take out the trash, especially when those duties fall unequally. But it does become an issue in small offices

My previous office - big giant huge law firm - actually had an employee whose job it was to do the grey area tasks that are no one else's job. Make the coffee in each floor's break rooms, empty the dishwashers, order lunch for lunch meetings, pick up a cake for someone's birthday, etc. The firm believed it was more

She is the goddamn CFO at a small company in Texas, but the men at her work regularly ask her things like when is SHE going to clean out the fridge in the break room.

I mean, honestly, if a man (or woman! a PERSON) isn't competent enough to answer phones and perform the action items stemming from that, he (or she!) is probably not competent to hold any sort of professional job at all.

She is the goddamn CFO at a small company in Texas, but the men at her work regularly ask her things like when is SHE going to clean out the fridge in the break room.

People should not need a chore wheel to realize that sometimes its their turn to take out the garbage.

This resolution is fabulous. So happy you were able to speak up and get rid of the dead weight!

You had to know the answer to this would be a yes.

Human beings over the age of 12 should know trash needs to be taken out, the fridge needs to be cleaned occasionally and stuff needs to be cleaned out. It should not be his co-workers' job to talk to him.