Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
It’s time to talk about why allergy requests are so damned important to honor as restaurant employees, and to…
I like Clinton, and I get that not everyone does but we HAVE TO RALLY behind her. She is our best liberal chance, and dividing, voting other parties is what the Republican Party wants. They are better organized, and being from Wisconsin, I can tell you that a well organized Scott walker type would be really really bad…
I think most of these ‘problems’ are manufactured by the media and totally blown out of proportion if not outright irrelevant.
If you're comfortable with the idea of medication, I'd suggest asking a dermatologist about spironolactone - mine finally recommended it after the standard birth control/retnin-a combo didn't 100% improve my skin situation. In higher doses it's used for heart problems, but it's also an androgen blocker, so it can be…
It’s already been filmed, but I won’t know until later whether he blew it; it’s Schrodinger’s Fuck-Up.
So, I'm in the throes of a bad headache right now, but is anyone else having massive problems figuring out what the headline means? Is it just me....?
I knew a guy in college who never went to this one class. Around the time the midterm is coming up, he goes to his section. At the end, he asks the TA when the midterm is again. She says, "Tu..." and he's thinking "Tuesday," but what actually comes out is "Two o'clock."
He and his friend have done no reading and gone…
Even easier: move the decimal point, multiply by two.
My first husband wasn't very bright. It's never a good idea to cheat on a wife that works for a government agency known for its expertise in spying. Third generation in the same line of work to boot.
I think these types of videos have a point.
I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but how did you not divorce him when you caught him with child porn?
When I was in 2nd grade, my class made gingerbread cookies. The teachers orchestrated an elaborate ruse where they pretended the gingerbread cookies ran away. They left flour trails around the school, and wrote messages from the gingerbread cookies with chalk. Messages like "Run run as fast as you can, can't catch…
I had a weird obsession with cannibalism. For my 4th grade enrichment class I built a large papier mâché island featuring a volcano, trees, caves, essential cooking pot and cannibal play figures. I wish I had a picture of that. Instead I offer the Mother's Day card I made that year. Mum still has it. I can't believe…
My mom loved Alex and Simon. She'd read your weird story about onions.
but thank god Tyler perry is there, right?