This was not that regular guy! It was some new one
This was not that regular guy! It was some new one
There was a pickup truck driving through DC the other day with a GIANT billboard fixed upright in the back that had pictures of 2 bloody babies. And I do mean babies...those things were NOT fetuses. One looked about a year old. I think a nutbag covered her kid in ketchup and took a bunch of pictures. And then the…
Makes sense. Still don't like how it looks though! Eek.
I find the 'after' abs a little terrifying. I feel like I could get an arm caught between the two halves.
*claps for Mario Batali's response*
Fart the toxins away!
I agree. I'm not prepared to nog yet, but as a member of a marginalized group of nog lovers, I'm willing to embrace Laura's choice to nog early.
Huh, maybe you're right. I'm not sure! Well......ah....still a good thing to donate to, double donation window or otherwise.
I think it's in Texas time (uhhh..central? I'm not good at time zones) so 10 minutes left!
Yup. They love the milk smell and it's happened on numerous occasions if they're left alone with an infant. In the one case the family pet dog jumped in to the crib and saved the baby. So that's why I'm TEAM DOG. And TEAM NO FERRETS EVER GAHHHH.
Puppy>Kitten>Baby>Dog>Cat>Adult human>Scary clown from It>Ferret
I do think my lady nethers could be much improved aesthetically by adding a jaunty little top hat.
Yep. I've been progressively less interested all season as more and more ridiculous unfolded and now I think this might have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Olivia's mom is alive and prisoner? AND fitz & mellie's first kid is probably actually fitz's dads?'s starting to be too much for one show. I…