
Interesting! And it's also super cute that your daughter helped pay for her birthday party.

Oh! Huh, I didn't know people did that (or at least not in America, I vaguely remember watching a documentary about women in India selling their hair) or that it was even an option! I always figured everyone who cut off a lot of hair at once was donating to Locks of Love.

Oh! Huh, I didn't know people did that (or at least not in America, I vaguely remember watching a documentary about women in India selling their hair) or that it was even an option! I always figured everyone who cut off a lot of hair at once was donating to Locks of Love.

Wait...sold her hair? What does that mean? Sorry if I sound dumb!

Wait...sold her hair? What does that mean? Sorry if I sound dumb!

Seriously. What an awful thing to discover when you're just going about your day.

Oh god yeah I could see why your boss freaked out. I feel so bad for that security guard. Especially if the pregnancy was far enough along that it....looked like a baby. Definitely a bad shift.

I think everyone has expressed how bad I feel for the girl, so I'll add...that poor security guard! Jeeze. You think it's a normal day at work and then look in a bag and find a fetus.

Shudder. Oh the prolapsing. So much prolapsing.

Oh god, I googled it.

H-T-T-P...colon slash slash

The latest Glee episode was really touching, but I'm not sure if that's mostly because an IRL person died too and it's his IRL gf mourning and all.

I trick-or-treated up until and including sophomore year of high school, so I was 15. But I went full-on costume and so did everyone else who I went with (all 15). Even then I felt sorta guilty/too old. I had a job, so I could have just gone and bought bags of halloween candy, after all. But at least I put on a

Yep, agreed. It's the outdoors. Unless someone is directly smoking into your mouth a la Lucille Bluth in the newest AD season, then the smoke isn't going to affect you.

GWU? I heard AU did it too (I think it was some joint-dc-school-intiative) and I personally think that's just dumb. I completely support all indoor smoking bans and can't believe that some states don't have them. Even the no-smoking-near-entrances, ok, that makes sense too. But no smoking generally outdoors, 30 yards

The OC is the original, so it holds some appeal for that. My favorite is New York though. The women are smart. Still dramatic, clueless assholes, but not full-on morons like in NJ, ATL, OC. They can use multi-syllable words in NY.

Wait, Seize, do you volunteer at the DC area clinic defense (or did your link just do some crazy GPS-y thing to know where people clicking it would be)?

That's probably true. But it could've been a really cool opportunity to make a point about gender roles or 'normalize' gay relationships by switching the gender of only one of the romantic fairy tale duo. Ah well.

Yeah peeing through that sounds like a dangerous game haha