Ah, that's true! I didn't even think about that...I feel like the mohawk has been so majorly culturally appropriated to the point where I think of its origin as being with the punk/goth look.
Ah, that's true! I didn't even think about that...I feel like the mohawk has been so majorly culturally appropriated to the point where I think of its origin as being with the punk/goth look.
Yesssss this. When people say they would never be dumb enough to try to drive away from a tornado or run back into a burning building or let a stranger into their car or whatever things people do wrong in emergencies—idk, I think it's pretty easy to monday morning quarterback but you can't really know unless you've…
brb procuring infant
My friends and I use it to send funny pictures that aren't worth saving. Add a funny caption, snapchat it, but there's no need to keep it around forever.
Alright but someone just left the cafe so the results might be skewed. It's ok though, I'm sure Jez will still report them as hard fact!
I agree. My school took a pretty liberal interpretation of revealing, anything that was in question or borderline generally remained fine and only egregious violations were written up. The subjective element can be problematic, though. I guess we were just lucky on that front.
Are mohawks still out, then? I don't see the problem with them either unless they look like this
Seriously, this.
I'm trying to google it but I can't find any backstory on any of the weird gossip sites coming up. Fill me in!
Step up your Pretty Woman game, Beck!
I'm kinda impressed. Thought most replies would skew way closer toward 'never'.
I'm mostly just shocked that only 1 of her 15 idols was herself.
I agree. But I've had countless men (dates, friends of boyfriends, etc.) feel the need to 'quiz' me. Can I name 10 players on my team? Do I know who they play next week? Do I know the quarterback of rival team X? Ughughhh.
What an idiot. I love the nfl and the way some men act like women aren't equal sports fans makes me rage so hard.
I would wear the hell out of that Giants outfit!
That Seinfeld one is GOLD
She's the kind of gorgeous where you want to tear off her face and wear it like a mask.
X files eye roll?! Niiice.
I now feel obligated to complete the eye roll trio: