
I haven't read A Confederacy of Dunces but I'll take your recommendation since we agree on Franzen's books! Thanks!

Hmm see I definitely didn't find the characters likeable, but I found them really interesting, which was enough for me to like the book as a whole.

There is a lot of Franzen hate going on here among my beloved jezziefriends but I feel the same way for Franzen as I feel for Franzia....LOVE. I mean maybe not him as a person because I don't know much or if he is a bit of a douche (though I do think jez,as it often does, took that quote out of context a bit) but The

I'm glad I get to love on modcloth on here two days in a row! Not sure about retouching but I've noticed that too! Also they provide the section for people who have bought the garment to provide photos of themselves wearing it (I think it's called like style book or something?) which is also sweeeeeet cause the IRL

I was hoping you'd chime in with some Live From Japan! info about how prevalent it really is. I'm surprised it's not just Americans exaggerating a rare activity. But ickkk, not sure that's something I would want to see/hear about regularly.

Right um, I actually know that, as I worked in an urban sexual health clinic for years. So I'm not totally sure where this is coming from nor why it is directed at my musing on fonts. Maybe a misinterpretation of my tone with the 'well Hpv?', but I was really just saying that the imperfect font is fitting with a

Poor scrappy. The reject Doo.

Ehh idk if Lena Dunham were my inspiration I would want it in her honest handwriting, crappy or not, rather than a forced attempt. The quote is sort of about embracing flaws (well HPV?) too so I think somehow it fits.

I forgot about scrappy!

D'aww, that stinks. It was only like $14 too!

hahah oh god I nearly choked on a fry at that

Thanks! It's definitely a need to see in person dress but at $14 I went for it. I think I'd literally buy any dress for $14. Bargains!

Hahahha well I admit I did that partially because it doesn't look very cute in pictures but I went for it because sale, and it turns out to be cute in person! But since you asked....

I'm always eager to have more twee in the world. I'm in a mod cloth dress right now, in fact. One of the least twee available, strangely, no baby animals. No flora or fauna of any sort, actually!

Might be tougher than you think, they've all built themselves some pretty tall pedestals to preach from.

It's damn kinja for iPhone.

Right. In some of my further replies I agreed that 100% complete access to abortion is a fundamental right we should secure. But ideally the fight doesn't stop there and we can continue to work for better methods of reducing unplanned parenthood through birth control and education. So perhaps initially the abortion

Yep. I mean I think less unplanned pregnancy in general is the ultimate goal, and the more it can be achieved without an invasive surgery, the better! I think saying you want more abortions just gives the right wing fuel to say our side wants every woman using abortion as a birth control method. I suppose in a perfect

I feel like generally better access to contraception and family planning services to preempt abortion, while also making access to abortion a guaranteed right for when an unplanned pregnancy does occur is better than just being 'in favor of more abortions'. Less unplanned pregnancies for sure, but I think sometimes

Yep. It turns out to be called the Reproductive Health Act, part of the greater 10 point Women's Equality Act. That has a much better ring to it! I can't link from mobile but I found it on the national partnership for women and families news page!