Kony/Hogan 2016

It seems like getting Paul is the only chance any team has to pierce through the stranglehold the Warriors & whichever team Lebron James is on have right now.

Paul is probably the best point guard of his generation, yet he’s never even made the conference finals.

It’ll be the capper to an excellent career, one more year of laughing at the critics.

You can put him in the morgue, yes!

An entire several paragraphs and no mention of Joe Maddon. I tried “Wile E. Coyote, Super-Genius” as an alternate search term, seeing as he was using the both the Acme Lineup Construction and Bullpen Utilization Kits.

Not to mention the role it played in the creation of the Soviet Union and the eventual rise of the Nazi party, who were responsible for 2 of the largest mass murders in history.

World War 1 was decidedly not cool.

“Heinberg is a beacon of hope and promise to C students everywhere”

Fuck, no, it wasn’t. It was a horrible, bloody, miserable time all around, between the start of the death of the British Empire, depredation throughout Africa, The War To End All Wars, a quantum leap in military capability, the battle for the rights of huge swathes of humanity that led to a lot of violence and murder,

Heinberg sounds like me answering a question in HS when I’ve clearly done none of the reading.

Heinberg is a beacon of hope and promise to C students everywhere

Does anyone know at what point during WW1 is Wonder Woman set? The presence of Steve Trevor an American serviceman , suggests that it would be after April 1917 and the USA’s entry into the War. Does anyone have any confirmation of that? By the time the Americans bothered to show up, the war had already been raging for

As much as I adore Millie Bobby Brown, I think they picked the perfect actress in Dafne Keen. That girl was just downright amazing. Frankly, I think her performance was damned near Oscar-worthy. She holds her own with the big boys both in her dialogue scenes and her action scenes. Bonus: she actually looks like a

Probably just my opinion and that’s fine but I find Millie a bit overrated, I mean she was fine as eleven but eh nothing to write home about, I feel like everyone is just inflating her ego with “OMG U SO YOUNG AND COOL, SO RANDOM LOL” stuff. But anyways Dafne Keen was absolutely the right choice and I’m glad they went

Related/unrelated: All the major brands of ED drugs are going OTC soon.

The Ringer is garbage, from top to bottom.

Of course she didnt get it , its X-23 not X-11, duh.

Dafne Keen owned that role. Milly Bobby Brown was good in Stranger Things, but I doubt she had held a candle to Keen’s audition.

Do people still read Bill Simmons’ writing? Does he still even write?

It will. Actually I want them to get raped for six months to a year, brutally beaten and mentally broken and then hopefully they will end their own lives. Cruel? Yeah but fuck it these monsters deserve anything bad that happens to them.

Wait - Damage? Like Damage from the JSA? Because if that’s the case, I need to tell my friend ASAP.

Why don’t they need full armour? Why does Green Lantern only need to protect his head, while Supes and Wondie don’t?