Kony/Hogan 2016

Not enough gimme dats or muh dick?

Wait, your cousin is a tard like you?

Dindus gonna nig nog

Barber: What you want?

Wow. What a faggot

Stop reading the Root and hope it goes away

Yeah this is hot garbage

Maybe Joe Maddon will have the team watch him fuck a clown magician.

Niggs gonna nog

Lighten up bitch

Latinx is stupid

I mean they are all mongoloids so yes

Captain Retard he’s our hero!

How about no

Let me guess your a POG. Enjoy the cake ass deployment leg.

David (((Goyer))) sucks

This bill so being pushed by a Democrat controlled state legislator dumbass

Marry get on board Or get over the wall. MAGA


One more reason Not to let your daughter date niggers