
The system failed these kids at every step of the way, and it failed them because they were black. Disgusting. Not only did they take the kids away from their aunt because the mom visited the kids one time, but then they LEFT the kids with Jennifer Hart even after she was convicted of abuse.

I’m pretty sure Jennifer Hart intended to kill everyone. Sarah may have taken the Benadryl to put herself and some of the kids to sleep, or Jennifer may have dosed them. Either way, Jennifer (the one with the history of physical abuse) absolutely intended to kill everyone.

Most rom-coms would be 2 minutes long if effective communication and emotional intelligence were involved.

So the biological aunt is determined an unsuitable guardian because of mistakenly violating the order preventing the mother seeing the kids, but the foster mothers were allowed to get away with withholding food and abusing the children. This is peak white privilege.

So, despite the Harts’ run-ins with the law, reports of alleged child abuse, and 911 calls from some of the children themselves, they were allowed to keep the kids. But Ms. Celestine, a blood relative with no criminal history and stable employment who wanted all of her sister’s children, had them taken away on the

Er, last time I checked there is room for more than one female rapper. The men don’t wait to take turns, so why would we expect the women to?

Nice! My mom is still a practicing Mormon, and uses her perspective as a divorced single mother who worked two jobs to (gently, in a Christlike way) stick it to the retrograde gender bullshit that crops up in Sunday School. Like when someone was shitting on “young women these days” for being on birth control as

Are you really comparing getting raped as a child to being cheated on as an adult?

And for the love of God it’s not a “mute point” and if you don’t care about something do not say “I could care less”.

That’s not a drop kick. That’s a regular kick.

You are correct, I assumed an article about “offensive tweets” would have covered the most offensive tweets available. I see I was wrong. Thanks for the correction, using that slur is certainly never acceptable.

and how much of that hair is actually his is entirely up for debate.

1) Who let you out of the greys?

The best part of this story is that the roommate then gathered other home girls to bear witness. Like National Geographic: Whiteness in the Wild

My girlfriend in college had two irons. One for ironing clothes, and one for making grilled cheese sandwiches. Her roommate, and woman of color from Baltimore, was deeply uncomfortable with this idea, and would often assemble other women of color to watch. I was unable to say anything because the 19 year male mind is

Yeah, that’s the flappy door and the side of the container. Sorry, I always knew this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Domestic workers were and are invisible.

Exceptions are made for Ursula, because that’s a robot that knows the importance of body language.

Capitalism wants more workers, doesn’t want to cover the labor and expense of creating them and so offloads it onto current workers while still demanding the total output of their labor for current industry.

It’s like society wants you to have children and then it punishes you for having children and at the same time hates you if you don’t want to have children.