“he’s had the freedom to ask me for it whenever he wanted”
“he’s had the freedom to ask me for it whenever he wanted”
I appreciate the sentiment, but also am extremely dubious at the idea that a teen boy isn’t watching porn based on the amount he’s willing to report his use to his mom.
Unfortunately this sort of invasive questioning/examining often happens with victims of sexual assault. This is why so many don’t report. Rape culture does a hell of job silencing it’s victims. Get ‘em Terry
Becky in the city is struggle pushing out 1 inbred kid at 41 and still has a 50% chance of raising by herself after riding the cock carousel in her twenties AND thirties.
I’m feeling a lot of things about this. There are so few American Indian writers that have his level of fame and influence. Instead of helping out others American Indian writers out, he started preying on them. It’s disappointing and disheartening to see he acted this way.
RuPaul is just trying to protect his brand. He’s taken a very queer, diverse art style that spans many genders, sexes, and gender identities and created a processed, mass-produced, particular style of “McDrag” for his target audience of cishet women who just want to see men act as flamboyantly faggy as possible.…
I see Ru’s initial point in a way. At what point are you not doing drag anymore because you are a woman? But I also understand everyone else.
I don’t think he is being unreasonable here at all. He accepts trans people and welcomes them. But it really is different when they start formal transition when its a drag competition. And, yes, there are always going to be blurry lines about when a transition really starts. Because gender is not a black and white…
I am hoping the new seasons won’t endorse the use of “fish, fishiness, serving fish” as a sign of femininity. It was gross then and it’s gross now.
I don’t know, allowing people to post pictures with their guns seems like a good way to quickly weed out the people I never, ever, ever, want to go with on a date.
You are correct; last I read, the split is 53/47, with the 53% being the mother.
When they say Wakanda is not that big of a deal I counter with then neither are Panem, Hogwarts, Westeros or Middle Earth. Those are White fandom culture fighting words.
I like the pride this movie is instilling.
My fiancee learned Spanish first, then went to school and had to basically unlearn Spanish and learn English. She took ESOL for years. You wouldn’t know it now, but it does pop up every now and again.
How do you know that Trump will lose in 2020?
First: that’s not a meme