
Strike me down, o lord

Headline should read, “Local Branch of Global Pedophile Ring Expels Member for Loving Marital Relationship With Adult.”

You do realize that all ethnicities have the exact same statistic, right? Whites are most likely to be killed by whites, but you never hear anyone talk about white on white crime. I wonder why that is...

This is about a teenage girl’s rape and murder. It really isn’t necessary to make it into some bullshit “black on black” issue.

I gotta love the “Worst Mother Of The Year” comment.

Its in the title of the course

Well, that might make you some kind of snack proctologist.

As a woman born of this generation, I can say that it has been my experience that self-identification was dictated largely by two factors: the race of your mother and your phenotype. Because my mother is Black and from South Carolina, those were the values I was raised with and what firmly guided my identity

Excellent. I would ask that every Evangelical voter not get a flu shot. I would also ask that they go spread the good word in local ER’s. Visit the homes of the older members of your congregations. Stop washing your hands! Soap is the devil’s lubricant. Only Jesus cleans! Glory!

You’re one of them now.

(I wanna put an Emo Kylo Ren gif here but Kinja and I are fighting.)

Let’s not forget that the crime of treason carries the death penalty. So what he is saying is that his political opponents deserve to die for not showing enthusiastic support for him and his regime.

Now I’m picturing thousands of people leaving the stadium with symptoms, returning to their home states next morning with full-blown flu. The flu rapidly spreads across America like wildfire and is quickly traced back to this slightly flat, but overall extremely impressive performance. “Killed It,” the headlines will

“Hey, here’s a thought— maybe it’s NOT feminism, maybe it’s just your sloppy hogbitch kid and his habit of snapping girls’ bra-straps in the hallway, what say?”

I opened this article pissed. How could we even consider deporting a veteran?

“Former Vet,” unless he has also been a once-but-no-longer-practicing-Veterinarian, is an oxymoron- veteran means someone who has done something in the past; you can never stop being a veteran of something you were a veteran in the past. If you want two words you could say Military/Army veteran, or “Former US Army

There’s nothing to edit. Read the line again, this time apply some reading comprehension.