
“...though I imagine it would take some time getting used to people speaking to you all the time and not wanting anything from you.” 

And as someone who has lived in Virginia since I was 9, I have the exact opposite problem whenever I head north. My friends are always having to remind me to not make eye contact and

Your sister-in-law is my ex-boyfriend, apparently. I’m not sure how, but I’m going to blame temporal mechanics.

And the university that calls it home is oh-so-fitting these days.

I have never, ever found someone who didn’t come at me wanting to fight for Mars. Get out of my face with that. The gravity is better, and it would be more efficient to hold a good temperature on Venus, too.

Good to meet you, Venus Friend. :)

I’m an aerospace engineering student and space nerd who is really skeptical of the idea of us leaving this planet to pollute the universe, but I am totally okay with you guys taking to space to leave this nonsense behind. Assuming I get the degree, I’ll help build your rockets. Let us die in this dumpster fire while

Same with my mom and my aunt. The girl-type cousins in one family got saddled with that, too. Grossness.

On Saturday night after we heard about Heather’s murder, I still had people who knew her saying that “if we ignore them, they’ll go away”. Even when it had taken the life of someone close to them, they STILL couldn’t grasp that it was something worth fighting about.


The above should be a legit gofundme for Heather’s family. It was created by the woman quoted at the end of the piece. There’s one for all of the people injured as well, but I’m still trying to find that one again.

I live in the area and went to school with the woman who was killed. I will send in any information I get about trusted crowdfunding.

The woman who was killed was about 32, not 23. She was a friend of my friends in high school and graduated in 2003.

I’m sure someone has already responded and I didn’t see it, but you’re probably thinking of potassium.

“including the 47 percent of white women who didn’t vote for his ass (we see y’all!)”

Lord. Have. Mercy. The fuck IS this shit? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten used to how terrible everything is, but then... I just haven’t.

So when your boyfriend says something overtly racist, you don’t call him on it because it’s not your fight? You can’t even do something that small to try to point out to people that what they think might not be okay?

And what does “not going to give up any privilege that comes my way” even mean? Most White Privilege

Also schooled in Virginia during the same time frame, and I honestly don’t remember learning about him. If we did, it was a 5 second thing that was glossed over.

When I called a guy I was kinda-sorta dating on saying some racist bullshit, he claimed he’s not racist because he would totally “bring an Asian woman to meet my family.” Being willing to fuck someone doesn’t mean you respect them.

Unrelated to your comment, but: He also said that his abhorrent views about reservations

Tell me that counselor was out on her ass.

Mambo No. 5 is one of the only songs I remember from my youth.

Same. I’m really digging where plus size clothing has gone in the last decade, but I’m now in the office wear phase of life. When I do find a pair of pants that work for me, they only come in black. Even if you can’t give me the bright red I crave, at least give me some stone grey or something.

And god, the blazer

Don’t even have to wait for cross-posting, by the looks of things.