I was actually reading the info for my pills the other day. If you take a pill late, you're good and don't need back up. I think you're still okay even if you miss one entirely. But if you miss two, you're supposed to use back up contraception.
I was actually reading the info for my pills the other day. If you take a pill late, you're good and don't need back up. I think you're still okay even if you miss one entirely. But if you miss two, you're supposed to use back up contraception.
I had my annual exam last month. At the beginning of the appointment, the nurse informed me that I had gained 11 lbs since last year. I knew this. I also knew that I needed to lose weight. But then she needed to go to the BMI chart and point out where I was and where I'm supposed to be (which is TOTAL bullshit. I…
Are you fucking kidding me? What an ass hat. I hope you dumped him.