If you buy YAKUZA DEAD SOULS as a zombie title you might be disappointed, but if you buy it as a YAKUZA title (characters), it's G-R-E-A-T. I loved it!
If you buy YAKUZA DEAD SOULS as a zombie title you might be disappointed, but if you buy it as a YAKUZA title (characters), it's G-R-E-A-T. I loved it!
For me, the YAKUZA games are up there storywise with the likes of MAFIA 2. Yeah, a lot of YAKUZA is watching cut scenes, but they're amazing.
YAKUZA 4 is brilliant... so much so that it compelled me to play YAKUZA 3... then buy YAKUZA 1 & 2 on PS2... and then import YAKUZA KENZAN! from Japan (and I don't speak Japanese)... and then...
Well, there are others of us who are interested in that franchise. There are also some of us who see the human cost — loss of jobs and stability — and feel empathy for the workers. Something of value is lost... and it's far more than just a game.
Looking at the extreme haste with which Respawn announced TITANFALL 2 would be multiplat, I tend to agree with your assessment.
I still believe gamers don't want dlc or microtransactions; they want full, complete games for a fair price — everything else is just nickel-and-dime foolishness that will ultimately undermine the industry.
As I read this article — and looked at the pretty pictures — I kept thinking... beautiful games can be dull as sh!t. Yeah, I enjoy a game with beautiful graphics, but it's gameplay that makes a game good. Somewhere along the line (probably with PS and XBOX evolution) the popular emphasis has become all about frame…
Remember that the SNIPER ELITE games are 3PS... not FPS. I'd liken them to a limited WWII SPLINTER CELL — slow, methodical gameplay where firefights are rarely a good idea. If that's your thing, SNIPER ELITE is the best gameplay of the series (if you can accept the older graphics). V2 looks great, but it's very…
Regarding GameStop... I hate a lot of their policies (and the one above looks like another "winner"), but their people have been getting much more helpful over the last year. Do have to say though... the personnel is looking more and more stressed.
Yes, getting into content creation would definitely benefit them (much like Netflix getting into "originals"), but the amounts of money and talent needed wouldn't make it easy... and pushing out the modern equivalent of Burger King's mediocre games (from a few years back) isn't going to help.
I never pre-order. Why? Because the hype machine makes it an expensive gamble. I will only spend money on a product once it has been released and evaluated by people I trust. Pre-ordering is for 1) idiots... or 2) people who have too much money
Although the console market in Japan has certainly softened over the last few years, I think 6 days post-release is a barometer of nothing. Let's revisit this in 12 months.
I keep getting the feeling that in the very near future gaming might be a thing of my past... and not because I hate games.
As I said earlier, I work in Hollywood... and on films. I have no direct relationship with MGS, but I'd guess this...
I agree... and think Kojima shouldn't be kissing Avi's ass.
I've only recently come to the series, but...
Whatever the context (or subtext), I'm just happy there are more YAKUZA games! With Ishin sales I feared we'd seen the last of "the crew." Now I just hope Sega gets the last few YAKUZA games localized already!!!!!! Bring 'em West you guys!!!!!
This is quite simply "Hollywood speak" for "I want a chance to direct the inevitable MGS movie. Hear me Kojima!" Nothing more.
Personally, I love boss fights. I especially love BIG boss fights that test wits, endurance, and reflexes. In fact, I often purchase games based upon the strength and duration of their boss fights. The only time I hate boss fights is...
Although I liked AC:REVELATIONS, many of the systems in place were superfluous. Essentially, you could finish the game without ever having crafted a bomb or ever having played the tower defense mini game. So, although the systems were somewhat interesting, they were just filler. The only things I really liked about…