
I'm tired of all of the recent nerdgasm "destruction porn" in games. When SNIPER ELITE V2 introduced the X-ray killcam (that you can't turn off), I lost respect for that series. Now a variation shows up in MORTAL KOMBAT, and while the series has always had a grotesque humor, this level of "destruction porn" is

It is, but... it's a social demo that's obviously based on what your friends are playing. Many don't acre about that distinction, but I think it's a big deal. I play a lot of demos, but most of those aren't shared or social experiences... just SP campaigns. IMHO, this new demo strategy is a much better

I keep reading people bashing this game, but then if you read enough of the replies, you start seeing that these are XBOX console cowboys or angry PC players who like to both break down FROM's accomplishments and make BLOODBORNE sound questionable. This is getting sickening...

I think all he was trying to relate is that the guns aren't modern and powerful at range.

People need to temper their expectations. If the game releases, great. If it doesn't, no worries. I'll always want more output from Team ICO, but creating some psycho-drama around a single game is a bit childish. Sorry to say, but true

I've now watched the entire MS show twice. Here are my thoughts:

THIS ONE REVEAL by EA was better than all of MS' show. In retrospect, really made the MS show look terrible. MS had no "wow" moments. THIS GAME WAS A "WOW" MOMENT.

Feel same way. Absolutely no "wow" moments. SUNSET OVERDRIVE looked like INFAMOUS for kids and HALO isn't of as much interest with DESTINY. Thought the show was a C.

Seriously? In fact MS show made me feel better that I chose PS4. I'm serious. I'd expected to feel envious of something on XBOX (like ALAN WAKE in the past), but the only thing interesting to me were multiplats. SUNSET OVERDRIVE looked like INFAMOUS for kids and HALO doesn't interest me anymore.

Exactly. Unless you're a HALO fan, this MS show was pretty darn boring. I was bored. As I've been saying — MS needed a homerun, but instead they bunted to get on first base.

Everyone I've talked to thought MS' show was mediocre to just plain terrible. Yes, it was better than last year, but not by much. The general consensus I've heard is: too heavy on multi-plats, not enough good exclusives, and no "wow" moments. Everyone expected MS to go for a homerun, but instead they bunted to get

IMHO, felt like bad KILLZONE. And yes, I'm ready for getting back to WWII shooters

The countries were bad to each other in the past? So...

Brian, I have lived in Korea and Japan. I am married into a Korean family, and although you seem like a somewhat thoughtful person, you are so far from "right" that I can only laugh. The Japanese have never really taken responsibility for their actions in WW2. Yes, they have done things to make amends when forced,

Uh... coming from a Korean family that keeps pretty close tabs on what Japan has taken responsibility for in Korea, you need to look into recent events. Japan has started questioning and often denying their own war crimes. Look it up... there's a lot there. Then, read up on what the Japanese actually did to the

I'm not a diehard LOTR purist, but I did read all of the books when I was young, and this game (specifically the main character) seems so contrary to Tolkien's basic core philosophy that it's kinda disturbing and sad. After playing WAR IN THE NORTH and thinking it was a wonderful "parallel storyline" that really

Few series have been as consistently good as UNCHARTED. If ND provides another UNCHARTED game even nearing the same level as the previous installments, it's "needed."

Yeah, loved RESISTANCE 3. That's the game that sold me on the series.

Good article/interview on Game Informer that I found while reading Gamasutra. After reading it, I think media has made too much out of the latest staff changes.

I didn't understand the fans salivating for years over what looked like a boring, monotonous, open-world retread with a hipster fantasy land "hacker." The whole idea just sounded like a snooze. This review has proven to me that it's just as generic and lazy as I'd thought. Open-world AAA games aren't automatically