

Sega has so many YAKUZA games that haven't been localized — along with HD remasters of the first two games — that they really should release a box set with a lot of ad hype... or go the opposite route (cheap) and release all of the games digitally. Either way, I really need those games stateside!

Coming off Yakuza 4, I had a good time with Sleeping Dogs. It didn't have the story mastery of the Yakuza series, but it had good combat and atmosphere. Really hoped Triad Wars was going to be Sleeping Dogs 2. Alas, no...

Ok, now the lack of english localization is really starting to anger me. I've played all of the localized YAKUZA games and even import KENZAN, but reading a walk through while playing is far from optimal. C'mon SEGA, you have enough YAKUZA games (and YAKUZA HD editions) to release a giant collector's box with a lot

Assassin's Creed meets Of Orcs and Men. Coming from former Ubisoft devs, looks about right.

You have my attention.

I think it's an age thing. I grew up when this sound was extremely popular (still a huge fan of ELO) and think this Destiny tune is good. Brilliant? No, but far from being just plain silly or cheesy. McCartney has done better, but this is still good... and I actually like it even more the 2nd time through.

The Japanese aren't buying the Xbox One. From the release events, it's widely speculated that the number of Xbox Ones sold at Japanese launch was in the hundreds. Seriously, no one is buying the console.

Surprisingly, Nintendo is doing fine at the moment. In the most recent weekly world charts PS4 is selling best followed by 3DS and WiiU. From my amateur perspective, it looks like consumers are generally seeing PS4 as their gaming console of choice in cross-platform games while also picking up Nintendo's offerings

Well, I have played all of the Devil May Cry games and I enjoyed DMC the most... and the largest part of that enjoyment was because of the storyline and characters. By the last act I was emotionally invested and really hated to see the credit roll.

Fandom really needs to get a grip. The DMC bashing has grown tired. DMC is a great action game with an engaging cast of characters and better than average storyline. By the end I was thoroughly engaged in the struggle, interested in the lore, and sad to see the credits roll. Is it perfect? No. Is it one of the

Having watched the expanded SALT & SANCTUARY trailer... that game looks great!

I find it funny that so many Xbox gamers refuse to accept that MS has in fact fostered the "dude bro" image. What's one of the cornerstones of their Xbox One reveal? American football and their ties with the NFL. And then there's the partnerships with Doritos and Mt. Dew and the courting of "extreme sports." Does

C'mon... seriously?

Toren looks ok, but I don't really get a Team Ico feeling from it. Still, will look for it on release.

Agree 100%. Felt the same way.

At issue here is that MS/XBOX uses the term "exclusive" without reservation or further definition while SONY has tended to define their console exclusives from PS4 timed exclusives. Clearly, Spencer had hoped to get across that the newest TOMB RAIDER would be an XBOX exclusive and promoted the idea that it was a true

Coming from both EMS and PD, I agree with most of your points, but with the North Hollywood Shootout (purposely patterned after the movie HEAT), maybe art has some responsibility?


Although there are certainly cop escalations, I would argue that if you stepped back from a situation, you'd see that cops rarely escalate — it's more often that the public escalates and then blames law enforcement for the result.