
Hm, you got a point, Kaboom as well. Just to take "It" as an example again, the basic plot is pretty dull - evil ancient alien preys on peoples fears every few years, that's not all that exciting. What sells it is the characterization and personal histories of everyone involved, also the history of Derry itself. That

It's also a bit mystifying. While I like Kings books, one criticism I have is that they can almost read like screenplays. Like in "It", for whatever reason he deems it necessary to tell us exactly in which order the kids walk in single file formation. I get that adapting novels can be challenging, but King almost

Give us hell, Quimby!

Is it just me, or is spam getting more bizarre.

Haven't seen this episode yet (missed it), but I just rewatched the S2 finale. They basically spell it out that Beth is suffering from major daddy issues, and who could blame her. Jerry is a dope, but she really comes down hard on him in that ep. Jerry, get a job. Jerry, stop networking. Pretty much the perfect case

I don't mind remakes as such either, but this habit of near-instant remakes of non-US films always seemed really weird to me. Like "Eh, what to they do know, we'll make it all better and with more money and stuff now".

So, a must see then?

I love the show, but I think it's a good time to slowly wrap things up after the gazillion episodes they have done already. It's never a good idea to outstay your welcome (*cough* Simpsons *cough*).

I thought it was a pretty good point when "New Binford" introduced tools just for women, which were crap and pink, or something, and Allen made a big stink about it.

Yeah, that's a good point on lukewarm sitcoms when you are a kid. Allen seems like the kind of guy you'd like as a dad. Cosby was another show of that kind, before it all turned - uhhh… recently.

It's one of those shows you watch because that's simply what's on before dinner time. The slapstick was amusing, the family was pleasant, the running gags (Wilsons face) made you chuckle. But it was nothing so outstanding that it became a classic. "Mediocre" seems like a put-down, but for a show like this, it was just

"Time is the fire in which we all burn"

Your point about anti-hype backlash is really good, something that I also sometimes fall victim to (also it's fun to be a bit of a contrarian sometimes).

It's cheesy as hell, but I love it. Very well made. One of those movies that have about five endings too many, though.

Cis gay man here (white and masculine as well, omg). I adore this show and drag in general because it shits all over pre-conceived ideas about gender. I can't see how this is bad for anyone, rather it is an example for people to be just the way they are.

My favorite from S11 has to be "Being Frank", which gives us a good (and kinda sad) insight into his mental state.

I love God Emperor just for its weirdness. I'm pretty sure he might not have been entirely sober when writing that. The last two books are pretty forgettable though. Fine, but… meh.

I find it hilarious that he boasts of still using a DOS machine or whatever, because modern systems are too distracting. Well, that seems to be working out fine.

The Sisko also has the advantage of not having to be the "best and brightest", like Kirk and Picard. Hell, he was just about to quit Starfleet in the pilot, until Picard bullied him to stay. That gives him a much broader playing board.

Is the "increasing number" thing actually canon, though? I mean, anyone who's even remotely into tech can tell you that model numbers jump all over the place. And 1701 stuck around for centuries.