I ordered in July and while it shipped out late and I had to contact them to be sure it wasn't cancelled or anything it did finally ship early yesterday. Your's should be coming up.
I ordered in July and while it shipped out late and I had to contact them to be sure it wasn't cancelled or anything it did finally ship early yesterday. Your's should be coming up.
Hollywood is getting really good at making fantastic trailers for terrible movies. All the Transformers movies, Prometheus (even if you liked it you gotta admit the trailer was far better than the actual movie), Tron Legacy (same as Prometheus), Snow White and the Huntsman, and many more.
The Virtual Boy failed and didn't bring down their entire company, which the Wii U could, in a worst case scenario, do. The Virtual Boy had a fall back since it was a new type of system, so if it failed it failed on it's own. It's the same reason they said the DS was a "third pillar" when it came out, that way if it…
I think you're missing the point here, that is EXACTLY the reason this one was so bad. It had the exact same games and announcements as the last two years, and nothing new. That's not saying games like Halo 4, Gears and Tomb Raider are bad games, it's saying that we've seen them or their predecessors before and were…
My wife is one of those crazed Potter fans (OK, maybe I am too) and she said it looked terrible. I think the product on this one is so bad even crazed fans are going to avoid it.
I'm far more productive with my jailbroken phone than a stock phone. "Far more" doesn't really even cover it, I'd say with it being jailbroken I am productive and without it I'm fumbling around trying to get everything done without having to switch apps or go through multiple menus.
Wouldn't you then just need a different tutorial on how to use ROMs, tweaks, widgets and gadgets on Android?
I really have nothing to add, this was just such a great comment I felt I needed to show my support.
Were you playing with a nunchuck or just the wiimote? I started with just the wiimote and the waggle got annoying. Once I switched to having the nunchuck it was much easier and better.
So far battery life seems to be unaffected. No lag whatsoever. It is really a great tweak.
A drop in the bucket compared to what they have sitting in the bank....but that doesn't mean they aren't going to fail! And soon too!
Well it's obvious isn't it? Nintendo lost money because of all of the awesome games that Sony was putting out which allowed Sony to rake in all the cash. Sony lost money because Nintendo cornered the casual market so Sony was left with just the core audience which meant Nintendo was the only one making money.…
Glad you liked the ending but I felt that I needed to make two points about your reasoning.
It converted me, my wife and our two roommates. Anecdotal evidence of course but figured I'd chip in my two cents.
Gotta second this one. How is it an advertisement? Do we still advertise Space Invaders or Pong? Was "The King of Kong" simply an hour and a half Donkey Kong commercial aimed at getting me to buy an arcade cabinet?
I just went through this process two weeks ago and have to agree. My Wii now has every single NES, SNES, Genesis and GBA game ever released; plus a few N64 games that aren't on the VC. A hacked Wii is pretty much the best gaming system someone can possibly have if you ask me.
I'm actually replaying it right now via the same method that you are and I can barely tear myself away. I kept wanting to jump into some more modern Wii games that I hadn't already played through entirely but Yoshi's Island is still one of the best games anyone can play.
I was thinking along these lines as well. With Xbox and PS3 games pissing gamers off left and right with their day one/on disc DLC and anti-used games tech the Wii U might become a very nice alternative. The Wii already has alot of benefits in this area but the hardware limitations are too great to overcome at the…
Thanks for the link, add one supporter!
Well it doesn't have to happen EXACTLY like it did with Sega. Maybe a better example would be Resident Evil on Gamecube/Wii and MGS on Gamecube/3DS.