I never heard of that tradition of respecting an outgoing players’ number. Obviously, the new guy #4 must be beaned.
I never heard of that tradition of respecting an outgoing players’ number. Obviously, the new guy #4 must be beaned.
Bloom’s encouragement really is baffling, isn’t it? Why didn’t she know better? Why didn’t either of them?!
She’s so full of shit. Like Trump, Griffin lives for publicity, good or bad. She did this knowing exactly what the reaction would be and she knew her career wouldn’t suffer because the Red Staters weren’t part of her fan base to begin with (she may have also thought that this would make her a hero to the left.) She…
What in the Earth-shitting hell is going on here? She’s a very smart woman. Lisa Bloom is a very smart woman.
Left-leaning CEOs can fuck right off just as much as right-leaning ones. None of them deserve to have any more influence over policy than any other citizen. And their corporations don’t deserve a “voice” at all.
How do you feel about the United States pulling out of the Paris climate agreement? More importantly, how do…
The Baby Boomers last gasp.
This tidbit from ESPN’s story is gold-
Their media relations guy is getting drunk with Sean Spicer right now.
God dammit, this has really ruined Bill Snyder for me. Why didn’t you just retire after last season so I can spend the rest of eternity thinking of you as grandpa wizard. Now I just think you’re a dick.
Look Bill Snyder gets very upset about drugs, just like that young Hollywood starlet Nancy Davis. Anyway, laudanum will wreck your life as quick as the drink. And that’s why Snyder supports temperance too.
“It may be dumb and spiteful but that young man knows who’s in charge now.”
Fun fact:
“That young man was in our program for less than two years.”
Imagine if K-State tried to block Snyder’s transfer to, say, Michigan......
Why can’t the ‘kid’ (read over 18 adult) go wherever the hell he chooses without a 70+ year old white guy he’s not related to telling him what he’s allowed to do with his life?
As with any sort of collectible, this debate would’ve come around eventually. Like with comic books and so on there’s always going to be a hardcore traditionalist/conservationalist mindset of “leave it as it is” compared to the restoration “it should look as nice as possible” point of view. Neither is wrong, but with…
God bless this beautiful bastard. Rule #1: fucking COMMIT.