Nice Job! Windows 7 is definitely a massive improvement over Vista, but from what I've seen of 8, MS hasn't changed their pattern of "every other version is worthless".
Nice Job! Windows 7 is definitely a massive improvement over Vista, but from what I've seen of 8, MS hasn't changed their pattern of "every other version is worthless".
See my response to @Cream
Actually, I hate Apple products more than Microsoft products... But both produce massive loads of bloatware and crapware.
Whoever created the title image forgot the second line for the "=" sign...
Doesn't look like it. And I have multiple gApps accounts/etc that I need to manage all in one place. Looks like this isn't the tool for me.
It appears to only support one account from each service... unfortunately, that makes it a lot less useful for me as I won't be able to use it to manage both business and personal accounts at the same time.
Installed... Does anyone know of a similar plugin for Firefox? As a web developer, FF is my primary browser and I could really use something like this. I already "suspend" tabs with TGM, but then I end up with a suspended group of over 100 tabs that I haven't touched in months. Some kind of "reopen later" option…
I can only hope... :-D
Regarding the "Where it Falls Short" -
The problem is that I'm running x64 Linux, and it looks like Lightning only runs on x86. ..or do you have a link to an x64 version?
I have a handful of different e-mail accounts (all gMail/Apps) that I own/co-manage, and Thunderbird lets me have IMAP/SMTP access to them all in one place. If you can just have everything forward to one e-mail account, then gMail's fine, but I need to keep the folders and saved messages for each account separate,…
Lightning's working fine for me... I just wish that Lightining would work on Linux, 'cause I want to move Thunderbird off my Windows machine, but I need the calendar.
Now if only Google would buy Comcast... Gigabit internet for everyone!
I'm just playing "Devil's Advocate" and voicing the opinions of thousands (or more) of potential/lost users out there.
You can disable the notifications. Adverts in the conversations are something I don't even notice anymore. If you change the notifications to disappear after 1 second, then they'll disappear before you really have time to realize they've appeared.
I use Trillian.. now that it's free, I can't imagine any other IM client I would want to use. It's great having an IM client that syncs the active conversations between Windows, Linux (through WINE), and my phone (Android). There are a few minor features I miss from Pidgin, but the benefits of the switch more than…
It also requires a paid *Premium* membership... and as a lot of people have said on the Spotify GetSatisfaction account, there are a lot of people that won't be bothering with Spotify because there's no way to tell if the Linux version is worth investing in until you've already spent the money... so it becomes a…
Semi-related: First 150 to go to [] can have some invites from me. Only use it if you don't already have a G+ account, of course. Also: Anyone that uses my invite link - Please post your own link (once you're in) as a reply to help other people out.
So you're saying you have a teenage daughter and/or wife? ...or that you have a tendency to forget to close the garage door when you leave your house?
It just needs XMPP notifications, and it'd be perfect. I can think of a ton of other applications for something like that if it supported XMPP..