
I'd really love to see a plugin for Launchy (for adding tasks on the fly), similar to the one someone created for Todoist ( [todoist.com] ). A low-profile Java applet for cross-platform list management would be nice too. I primarily use Linux, but also have to do some work in Windows, so Java (or Adobe AIR) would

You do make a valid point. However, from the image, it is inferred that the person doing the watering is using an in-ground irrigation system, which means they're not likely to be out in the yard doing the watering themselves; this also means that they're highly unlikely to remember that there's a container of some

lol! Well, considering that between the massive security breach and the terrible redesign (which has, admittedly, slightly improved after the initial version) drove away quite a few loyal readers (some of whom were favorites of mine when it comes to their comments), I don't think that any actual improvement ideas

Actually, plants need sun too, so yeah, there would be a brown spot.. might be better to have the "dish" mounted on a post or something (like most rain gauges usually are anyway).

Wow... yeah, that sucks. I hate gallery mode and wish there was a way to permanently disable it in account settings. ..but since they haven't even figured out how to put back e-mail notification and sort order (old->new vs. new->old) changing for comments, I'm kinda doubting that a "disable gallery" option will be

Darwinistic justice is served.

I really hope they make a "classic layout" option available... The constant tab crashes are only a small part of why I don't use Chrome full time; browser layout is another part of it, as is the fact that Chrome with 5 tabs uses a more RAM than FF with over 100 tabs.

I don't think you'd need to call a lawyer in a situation like that..

There is a setting in SGP options that will have it indicate when you have notifications from FB... Unfortunately, I don't think it can actually show you those messages/notifications without sending you to FB (yet), but it's still a lot better than having to keep FB open all the time.

You really only need the Yahoo account for the first transfer. You can unlink it and delete the account after that if you want, but it doesn't hurt to keep it linked and occasionally log into it to import any new FB "friends" you may have added after the first import.

I told Whitson about it when he was working on the migration article linked above, but he didn't know about the cross-posting part, so it wasn't originally included. It was added after this conversation: SGP Convo (the conversation should answer some questions that people might have when first setting it up).

Welcome to the latest era of credit card theft. I believe there was an NCIS episode about it.. Someone walking through a crowd with an NFC reader, "accidentally" bumping into people to scan their wallets, and then using the "stolen" cards to buy stuff (without the owners knowing because they still had the physical

Afterthought: How did the military react to the condition? ...I constantly get "nagged" by the in-laws about how I should "get back in" to the Air Force, but I would think that having a "chronic" condition like UC would be one thing that would make it impossible for me to sign a new contract. (Not that I would want

"Hearted" for being able to understand.... It's amazing how many people have the "just get over it" attitude (or worse, think you're faking) when you tell them you're in massive pain.

Oddly enough, that's pretty much what I thought the image was about when I saw it...

I have lived through an example of this concept:

I just wanted to make sure that the Javascript would still run in the cloud, 'cause it's usually a "browser-side" type of code.

Looks like an excellent tool... One question though: Do you have to be using the webmail portal for it to work? Since it's Javascript, I would assume so, but I have to ask.

You just need some help from the "Will it blend?" blender before pouring the victim down the drain... and it might take a while.