@c-lath: I don't see anything about Linux on their site... were you intending to just reply to the article rather than to my post?
@c-lath: I don't see anything about Linux on their site... were you intending to just reply to the article rather than to my post?
If only Mozy offered a Linux version... then I would really be able to help my more "computer illiterate" family members.
@ianE: When is the "last time [you] checked"? New Dropbox accounts have always come with a folder labeled "Public" and the ability to make any other folder public if you want to.
I barely have the time to write a blog post for my own company more than once every month or so... But working for Lifehacker would be awesome. I'll have to think about it. Maybe by the next time they're requesting writers I could have more spare time.
@Kay-Ell: Here's the link to the userscript: [userscripts.org]
@Kamatari +: Have you tried using the AppBrain remote installer? I believe you can "push" apps to your phone using that, but I'm not sure if it has to use the market for all or some of them.
@Dimipapa: Hai. Konnichiwa. º¿º
@Dimipapa: If you want a star on Kotaku, you should probably ask the Kotaku crew.. Lifehacker doesn't star for articles that were posted elsewhere, and the stars don't travel between Gawker sites anymore.
@Adam Pash: I would really like the ability to link my standalone account to Facbook & Google (possibly multiple Google accounts)... or even better, Disqus. Either way, please keep me posted on the progress of OpenID capabilities and what's planned.
@jmcm: It depends on what you mean by "international calls". If you're hoping to use it as a way to call home while you're out of the country, then according to Google, you're not making an international call.. you're making a local call from a remote location. However, if you're trying to call phone numbers in…
@Brandt: The only part of the calling that wasn't going to be free anymore was calling done through gMail. Using gVoice the normal way (by calling through another phone or having the web interface ring your phone before connecting the call) will still be free. The VOIP via gMail client was the only thing that was…
@TekWarren: It does, but you may have to have the "new" apps version enabled. I have Apps gMail open right now on my other monitor and I can see the little "call phone" link at the bottom of the chat list, so I know it's there.
@Arken: Nobody needs to guard Dick Cheney, he's already proven that he knows how to shoot people.
oops double post.. *ignore*
@shkm: Definitely. Just installed it on my Windows machine & now I really wish I had something similar for my Linux boxes.
Sweet! The "MindWave" may be exactly what I've been looking for. ..I needed a way to share with clients what I believe the flow of navigation on their website(s) should be, a mind-map would be an excellent way to create a visual sitemap prior to any actual coding.
@sufreak: Care to elaborate? What is sickbeard, and is it available on Linux?
@Imfromthenet: Careful.. last time someone on the Gawker network picked on 4chan, the user database got hacked..
@Imfromthenet: Careful.. last time someone on the Gawker network picked on 4chan, the user database got hacked..
@Melde: Build a bridge out of it!