
@zinzarin: If you're using Google Apps accounts, you can change the Docs settings so that it requires https access.. should help with the security, but I would recommend searching for or submitting a request for more detailed info in the help board for docs.

@shokkapic: Instead of "sharing" with all of them, share with the 3 that need to edit, and just give the public links to the others.

@h4nn4h: X-Marks does tagging.

X-Marks actually does support tagging (although I don't know if that feature will continue being free now that they're owned by LastPass)

VOTE: Virtualbox

@valmorphorize: I would be very interested in those DIY instructions...

@alexgieg: I believe that you can get a "reseller account" from Google that will allow you to do that (not linked to a gMail account, but linked to your main Apps account). I started looking into it a while ago, but other things took priority, so I never got very far with my research.

@simulana: You can already do that with multi-login enabled.

Next Step: creating a script to run on my desktop that will automatically move the pictures from Dropbox to a different folder.

@Steven Callas: Will there eventually be a way to link an existing "standard" account with Facebook (and hopefully Google soon)? I don't plan on ever using Facebook to log in, but I wouldn't mind having that option.. as long as it can be linked to my existing account.

@hudey123: I think the best option would probably be to have the tablets come with stock Android, and have a "Chrome OS" app that can be installed (or is just built in) just like any other app, then when you want it to act like a full OS, just click/tap the "Chrome OS" icon and have it launch.

@PinkNBlack21: My cats have been hiding from me recently... Must have something to do with them getting zapped 5 times for every attempt to pet.

@Adam Dachis: Yippee! Please let me know if/when that happens, I will be one of the first to download/install.

@Adam Dachis: I would really like to see some sort of autopager rule or greasemonkey script that would let me have it automarically click "later discussions" when I get to the middle/end of each page. I know if would make some pages endless, but it would shave a few seconds off my read time (more, depending on the

@adanpena: As long as someone benefits from the idea it's not ruined, and I'm sure there are others with the same question as you who haven't taken the steps you did.

@Ookseer: So you would prefer to have the hackers delete all the compromised accounts, even for the users that want to stay?