
Ok, I installed google-gadgets-gtk in Ubuntu-Tweak, but where do I go to add the gadgets to my desktop?

@Sadsaque: What happens when the user is the virus?

@drongch: "Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a time, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

@t17: I would recommend changing that to something like:

@SquareWheel: I believe I wasn't quite awake for that one.. Probably hadn't had my coffee yet.

@SquareWheel: Yeah.. don't know what my thought process was on that one... "ex"es?

@GldRush98: nice! As in !important or !necessary...

@Aladdin: The alt-codes only work on Windows. I love me some alt-codes, but I also love my Linux machines, and I wish there was a way to use (the same) alt-codes on Linux.

@wickedcupofjoe: I really wish Linux would accept alt-codes for characters... there are a lot of chars I use for Windows that I can't use on my Linux machines because of the lack of alt-codes.

@SquareWheel: Wow.. you needed help extracting exes? ...usually after I dump them, mine just disappear from my life... I've never needed to "extract" them...

Now if only it could open .rar files so I wouldn't need to keep installing WinRAR whenever certain people want to send me compressed files...

@aperson: I stand(sit) corrected. Never noticed that before.. probably 'cause I only use Chrome for things that don't need the web development add-ons that I have in Firefox.

@aperson: Not as quick/easy as Prism though.. it doesn't automatically generate the shortcuts and let you configure the command arguments from a nice little dialog box. With Chrom(ium), you have to create the shortcut yourself and remember + type all the command arguments you want it to use.

@James Munson: The whole point of the God Mode folder for Windows 7 is so the people who feel like browsing through the list of system configuration options can.

@aperson: I know that.. I've been using Prism since the first LH article about it. But that doesn't prevent me from wishing Google would make something similar for Chrome.

For a second there, I misread the title of the article as implying that there was a new version of Prism that uses Chrome... and now I'm disappointed that there isn't.

@mrjeremiahross: Glad I could help. It appears that the Google Docs link got cut off by the LH comment system, so here's a shortened version of the link that should get you to the document about how to set it all up:

"..I just start by ripping the pages out of my book..."

@wjglenn: Are you sure that sequence doesn't just trigger a response from the computer along the lines of "You can't change people, you can only change yourself" or "People have to want to change, all you can do is help."?