

@Bruce Landwaster: I was just wondering about that... wouldn't it make a lot of sense to just use symlinks to move the user folder without actually moving it?

@germclown: Take ownership essentially changes it so that the file "belongs" to you, if the original owner is in a user category (e.g. "Administrators" or something like that) that has rights to the file, they should still be able to use it, but it won't be to the same extent as if they still had ownership.

@Beavers: That doesn't open it with the path already set to the current folder. The "Open Command Prompt Here" option is so you can right click on a file/folder and have the console open with the location set to the folder already navigated to... really saves a lot of time if your path is multiple levels deep.

@rookcnu: Ah... well that makes sense. Have you considered trying a Linux distro that's more likely to have drivers (Mint being one, although I've had trouble with 10, so 9 is probably a better option).

@bibdectrl: Bonzi Buddy still exists? Wow. I remember when that was actually a fun little digital pet to torture...

@GTBFiorano: Arduino triggered cattle-prod (low-voltage, of course)?

@rookcnu: Why not just map it as a network printer on her machine? ...then it would spool almost instantly instead of having to wait for a script to run.

@kbnguy001: No longer forced... at least on older iPods.

@jw12321: Thanks! Got it installed, now I just have to keep trying to install new themes occasionally until their server stops acting stupid.

@tuxus: However, sometimes it doesn't....

Someone please reply to this comment with a link that actually works... or at least let me know when their server stops throwing out random 403's.

@ehed: Actually, that's already built into the core code of Diaspora. It's got multiple options for linking various (FB/Twitter/etc.) accounts.

@Nik Coley: Once IE9 is released officially, they will probably support it, but they can't support current versions of IE due to the fact that they're using HTML5 & CSS3 for some of their interface.

@motorhead84: The inbound gVoice numbers are analog already, switched through Google hardware (converted to VOIP if necessary) and re-routed to dial back out to any phone number using analog phone again.

@timgray: Sorry about that... apparently the URL was too long.

@ShortBus: If you're looking for a web-dev, contact me. I'm co-owner of a small-ish web-dev company, and we're always glad to help other IT companies, either through outsourcing or passing referrals. If you're actually looking for someone to hire, I can probably find you someone (I can't afford to hire anyone right