Oh, I did know.
Oh, I did know.
The 1975 song you linked to...yeah, the first time I heard it, it definitely made me feel 16/17 again.
My inner 17 year old is insanely jealous and I love you for stalking him into a tent. I wanted to see that your so badly.
No lie, I saw Taking Back Sunday for my 28th birthday in September and it was amazing. People just like me, feeling all of the 16 year old feels again.
Howie D. will always hold a special place in my heart. 😍
I think your dad and I have the same cat.
I didn't get that from this clip, but if you've done your research you may know better. It doesn't hurt to look.
For real! I am still jamming to it.
Bible Institute grad or not, he is a fine piece of man flesh with the right amount of my body hair to make me want to climb him like a mountain. I like hairy dudes. I approve.
This show just totally reaffirmed my love of Ryan Gosling since his Breaker High days.
I want all of theses things. All of them. My cold, black heart commands it.
What will come of Mankini?!?!?!?
Because he is the best.
My go to "Fuck You" song for more than a year now.
Well, I'm gonna try it now and totally blame my thyroid meds. I want all of the pie and I will have all of the pie. Thanks to levothryoxin.
I was in London during the tube bombings. Our hotel was one stop away from the Edgeware Road station.
She is that sweet in real life. And she actually gives great hugs.
For reeeeeeeal! Captain Von Trapp got hot as I got older. Swoon.
I grew up in an area with a pretty equal black/white population (and I know that is not the norm in most places), but I just can’t fathom people being that ignorant. But that's my white privilege talking. People are awful.
That actually happened?!?