
I've been holding it together since I heard about this when I woke up. And now, I'm just crying.

I know exactly what part of the movie that's from.

He is awesome.

I totally met Chris Hardwick a month or so ago. He is delightful and was the best thing about Singled Out.

Out of all of the amazing 90's gifs, particularly the Empire Records ones, the Newsies gif is the best. Of all time.

I'm seriously considering reactivating my Twitter account just to follow him.

I totally get you, Riff Raff. I totally get you.

I'll go see it. By cover of night and wearing a disguise. I keep my complete and total adoration of Jane Austen under wraps. I'm enough of a nerd as it is, and people seem to be much more accepting of Doctor Who and Harry Potter than Austen.

Crabs are alive and well. My aunt works on a Marine Corps base and sent us this crazy, official public health email about a year ago. Apparently, one of the restrooms in her building was quarantined due to a massive pubic lice infestation because Marines. Gotta love 'em.

I say call it Magic Mike 2: Matt & Joe's Naked Fun Time for K8rid's Viewing Pleasure.

This is seriously my new Facebook cover photo. I hardcore love this picture.

I hate people. Ke$ha is superior to Gaga

I miss Amy Winehouse. For real.

I was Ke$ha for Halloween, too! It was a fun costume.

My serious love of T-Pain feels justified right now and I don't have to be embarrassed about it.

Those are my exact thoughts.

Whooping Cranes. They're pretty fucking tough.

All I had to see was the knee socks and saddle shoes and I immediately knew which video that was.

I don't think he would speak to me if I tried. He refused to speak to anyone at the funeral except his family and friends there. Not even her mother.