
Chicks! He's a cutie.

Thank you. I'm just not sure where to start.

Thank you. My mother and sister got the same thing, but with different colored hats.

I've been trying. I really have. I've been cleaning out some stuff my mom gave me when she moved about six months ago, and I found one of Heather's old diaries. And pictures. I found bad Harry Potter fan fiction from the two of us circa 13 years ago.

That is my cousin Heather and I about 7 years ago. (I'm the one with glasses).

I hate to admit that I was born in Idaho, but I hate it just a little less right now.


I keep hearing about these Banana Rats at Gitmo from people I know/work folks. I am curious. Also, the bold iguanas down there seem slightly terrifying. I'm still trying to get work to send me there, though.

The cicadas are so loud here in Fredericksburg,VA that I can hear them over my tv. I haven't seen any shells like last time, but I don't live in the country anymore.

I love my birth control pills. After six years and three different types of pill, I'm regulated. I know which day my period will start. It will last at most four days, and it's not heavy. I honestly don't know why people complain about birth control. I friggin' love it!

I have a sinus infection and it's causing the cough. I'm on pretty much everything you can imagine right now. Thanks, though!

I am sick. I have an intense mega cough and feel like I'm dying.

Target ELF brand. Nothing is over $3.

If the FBI is for real investigating their bullshit claim, somebody should go ahead and FOIA that shit. I don't think I want my tax dollars paying for that. And their Facebook page might go ahead and receive that comment.

I love Judy Blume so much, and while I didn't read this I will be watching it. Summer Sisters, one of her adult books, was my first experience when I was 13. It was the worst day of my life when someone gave me the book, and it brought me calm. I now own three copies of it, one of them signed.

JTT and Devon Sawa in the same sentence makes me want to watch Wild America. I have it on VHS in a storage bin in my store room (I got all that crap when my mom moved last year) but no VCR. But, yeah, I totally wanna watch it now.

It's right in between They Call It Myanmar and Histories Mysteries: Rasputin on my Netflix.

The guy I lost my virginity to told me I had the largest vagina he'd ever had the pleasure to be inside. I was a virgin, mind you. It gave me a complex for a loooooong time. It's only now, almost 9 years later, that I'm just getting over it. I've dated several guys and had more sexual partners than even I care to

Yep. Last month. Spent most of it already. Should have gotten my hair done, but it looks like I'm gonna have to get a new laptop with the rest of it.

Tybalt, not Romeo. I approve, though.