
He and Jeremy Irons both played that role around the same time (at least on my tv); and as much as I love Jeremy Irons , the lips on Tom Hardy made me prefer The Virgin Queen. It also had the very sexy Hans Matheson as the Earl of Essex. It is why I donate to PBS.

Thank you. My sister's husband is from the UK and it took over a year, more paperwork than I've ever seen, and several thousand dollars to get him over here. And then they actually had to be married within 60 days or something of his arrival.

I knew I was missing something from my Ke$ha Halloween costume this year. It was the feathers.

I saw a lot of Number 2. I made my status all about how people should fact check before they decide they're moving to Canada, New Zealand, or Australia. I'm pretty sure I was unfriended. You know, I work for DoD and I know people are freaked that they won't have jobs anymore within the next four years, but I voted

I'm glad I'm not alone. And Judy's is the definitive version.

Pitch Perfect really was awesome.

I don't like Beyonce. Never have. Probably never will. She's over rated and kind of boring. There. I said it. Hopefully, this will keep another remake of A Star is Born from ever happening again.

Dodai, I love Pretty Little Liars. This one woman in my office and I talk about it all the time.

I'm not gonna lie, I think that top image is cute. I like elephants.

My very conservative sister tries to tell me all the time that there is no war on women. It took everything I had not to strangle her last time. But I just have to remain calm, breathe, and tell myself it's the damage to her frontal lobe that doesn't allow her to see the things she doesn't want to.

I don't not paint an accent nail. I've done this since I was little and now I'm trendy. I'll have to ask my lesbian friends about this.

I doodle circles and stars just like that. There are notebooks dating back to elementary school covered in inter-locking circles and stars. I doodle the same as Hillary. I feel extra smart and like we're connected.

How do I get tickets to this Maya Rudolph and The Roots Prince tribute show? Because I need them and am desperately hoping that "Pussy Control" is on the set list. I love Prince in all his dirtyness.

Now I have that stupid part of that stupid Justin Bieber song stuck in my head.

Now following you.

I don't know, but I would like to think that they are trying to help her. However, I think that the people she surrounds herslef with are happy when she's happy, and if he makes her happy then they will continue to stay the fuck out of her love life, even if it could bite her in the ass again. It took a lot of

That's a hard angle to look good at.

I get that it's a pattern of abuse and she should not be judged. I'm trying really hard not to do so. It's just hard. She's surrounding herself with people who obviously aren't really looking out for her best interest, which makes it even more sad. I'm at the point where I can't even get angry about this anymore.

This was really just an excuse to stare at a .gif that a benevolent commenter left for us, which has two important things in common with Casablanca: 1) You watch it over and over, and 2) You always hope it'll end differently.