
I hate that fucking song. I have a co-worker who says her 4 year old grand daughters love it and it's great for their self-esteem to hear stuff like that. I told her that if her 4 year old granddaughters need to have a man tell them they're beautiful, they are doomed to a life of their self-worth being tied to how

10-15 minutes for work makeup. Maybe 20 minutes for going out makeup since the eye makeup seems to be a little more elaborate. If I spend 45 minutes applying makeup, I better be ready to perform a drag routine.

What about peanut butter M&Ms?

I still have my Furby. It's batteries are dead, thank God. He sits on my book shelf.

How?! I'll be 25 in 10 days and I remember them.

There's a photo of me at 4 years old, sitting at my Grandma's kitchen table learning to write my name, with a bottle of Crystal Pepsi right next to me. I loved that stuff.

My sister and I sang along to the whole movie while it was on the other night. Neither of us missed a beat.

I'm on BC but my period has gone nuts because of the stress of the last few weeks. It sucks. You know why it sucks particularly bad right now? The guy I like, the one I've had a thing going with for a few months, invited me up to his apartment tonight for sexy times. I'm changing clothes and getting ready to leave

I'd watch Gabriel Byrne: Baby Hunter. I'd watch anything with him, really. Those eyes!

OMG, I loved that show! They need to put that on Netflix, ASAP.

I'm conflicted. I have my white trash/redneck roots and I could definitely get along with the people on this show. Then I have the part of me that has gotten out of that type of lifestyle and managed to better myself (That sounds bad but I can't think of a better way to put it).

God, I hope not.

That is every concert I've been to. I'm 5' and unless I'm right up front, I see shit. I prefer indoor venues with general admission and a balcony. I plaster myself right up to the rail and DO NOT move. Best view and no moshing. My first concert ever was ruined by giant men in cowboy hats.

So...we haven't landed robots on Mars before this? I thought they were landing shit on Mars all the time.

I still love True Blood and haven't missed a single episode this season. It's FINALLY starting to get really good at almost the end of the season. *sigh* I am deeply entrenched in this series and the books.

I've been actively searching for that soundbite as my email notification for work and my phone.

Come paint Reptar on all my nails.

My 7 year old cousin and I have the same size hands. I'll be 25 next month.

Double post...I think. (My work computer does not like this commenting system).

Everything I do from now on nailwise will be inadequate. Jenna, you are my new nail icon. Especially since the length in that photo is about as far as my nails can grow without getting all crooked.