
Taylor Swift makes pop music influenced by country music. Carrie Underwood makes pop music influenced by country music. They both started out on the country scene, but they've both crossed over into the mainstream market. I think Taylor Swift has taken that and run with it, whereas Carrie Underwood sticks to what

They're both blonde, make country music, and are two of the biggest names in the music industry today. Why would they not be compared? Underwood has the bigger voice but Swift is definitely the bigger talent.

I don't think that at all, but maybe I'm just not hip to international tea prices.

No, it isn't Chinatown anymore. It's Verizon Center-ville. And they lock you into the metro station, too. Or maybe that's just me.

Do they not know that Teavana already exists at your neighborhood mall already? Sure, you can't get it prepared there, but they have great loose leaf teas and a wonderful variety. I know because the Teavana was right next to the store I used to work in and it always smelled incredible. And they'd bring us over free

That would be the greatest literary themed shop of any kind ever.

Yes! I love Kate Nash. My senior year of college, I took a dance class and we had to choreograph a group number on our own. I sucked at the choreography, but Kate Nash was our music choice because of me. lol

If you hit a woman, you lose all respect from me. You call your daughter horrible names and scream at her on the phone because she doesn't bend to your will, you lose all respect from me. Especially because my father actually tried that shit when I was younger and it's one of the reasons I really have no contact

True, but Taylor Swift is a lot more palatable because she writers her own music and isn't really annoying. And she has some pretty large balls to use people's actual names in her songs.

I was rocking out to Alright, Still while house cleaning last Friday.

I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for this, but I like Taylor Swift's music a whole hell of a lot more than Carrie Underwood's. Generic pop country is generic pop country. At least Taylor Swift is a little more original.

Lily Allen in the recording studio again makes me so happy that I can barely contain myself!Seriously. I was bouncing up and down in my work chair while reading that article. I'm so excited! Her albums haven't left my car CD player since I got them years and years ago. Out of all of the British lady singers who

1. A dick is a dick. Alec Baldwin is one. So was Ike Turner. So is Mel Gibson. I get that Alec Baldwin has hilarious moments, ie Schwetty Balls. But it's just writing! Really good writing. He's an asshole in my eyes. I've argued with people about it before several times, usually my white male friends.

I just realized that Jon Hamm is what my type will look like in 20 years. Wow, I have good taste in looks!

I am stealing that movie from my mom and watching it tonight.

Guess the Guns was way too easy.

That is the best description ever of Sarah Palin. Although, Elizabeth Bathory is less frightening.

You'd fit right in in my family. My mom's family friendly Halloween parties are legendary. We even named all of the decorations.

I've found all that stuff on Netflix and it's some of my most viewed stuff in my Instant Queue. I actually request Halloween off at work and my mom would let me skip going to school that day while I was growing up. It is my favorite holiday.

The Worst Witch and Hocus Pocus were year round movies when I was growing up, usually at my mother's insistence. It's why I keep Halloween decorations up year round in my apartment.