I've never read it. I've never had much interest in "the Beat Generation." It was never required reading and I think I'm ok having never read it. But is my curiosity piqued now? Oh, hellz yes.
I've never read it. I've never had much interest in "the Beat Generation." It was never required reading and I think I'm ok having never read it. But is my curiosity piqued now? Oh, hellz yes.
Threesomes are healthier than co-dependency. Fact.
Cooter the V addict werewolf is playing Richard Burton? It works because it's also really easy to picture Lohan as V addict werewolf, too.
I suppose. Unless your birthday is before mine. Lol
Every single one I've had the pleasure to spend time with has been nothing but sweet and loving. They'd sooner lick you to death than bite you.
Thanks! I got a really cute one piece for this summer, but I prefer two pieces. Trying on a bikini is going to be kind of scary.
I think I want a pit bull now.
Rainn Wilson's tweet makes me think of how my fantasy band was named after an autocorrect: Shaggiest Gangrene.
I got really distracted by Kylie's sparkly boobs. Like a kitten.
I'm 24 and have never worn a bikini. I've always been chubby. Recently I've lost about 25 pounds. I went over the 200 pound mark and decide I needed to lose. I've never not been comfortable with my body, but I'm no bigger than these brave and confident ladies. I may try a bikini at the beach this summer. Just…
She was the punching bag for the judges. She easily outperformed Jessica this year and no one ever had anything good to say to her. Jessica was voted off in the beginning of the competition and the judges saved her. They shouldn't have done that. She never deserved to make it to the top 12, let alone the final.
I really wanted him and Phillip in the top 2.
Jessica Sanchez IS not a good singer. She's boring and all those stupid runs are annoying. Also, it sounds like she's pooping when she sings because she strains so much to keep those notes so damn long. Phillip Phillips is boring, too, but at least I wasn't reminded of explosive diarrhea when he sang. My favorites…
Yeah...I feel like I've known he was gay FOREVER. This is news? I love him to death, though.
Because diseases like polio, thought to be eradicated in most parts of the world, are showing up in developed countries because people aren't immunizing their children. That's why.
I posted some stuff about the stupid anti-abortion laws Virginia was trying to pass on Facebook, and I engaged in serious, mature conversation about it with friends and family members. That is until my cousin's husband came in. He worships Glenn Beck. He attacked his sister-in-law because she agreed with me about…
Apocalypto never even registered as a film for me. I honestly had to Google because I have no recollection of it being advertised or anything.
You brought tears to my eyes with the Marine Corps Ball bit. I live in a Marine Corps town, and you're absolutely right about that. Oh god...You're getting hearted for that.
Zoom zoom zoom! Make my heart go boom boom, my supernova girl. (Anytime someone says Zenon, I have to sing that).
Oh, that's awesome!