
Sometimes this happens, but in some cases I'll add the wife/girlfriend. It's rumored Alexander Skarsgard is dating Charlize Theron, so I was a little sad when I first heard that. Then she made her way into my Alex Skarsgard & Ikea fantasy, and it became even hotter. (I'm so angry at myself that I associate all

I hated every second of that movie, but he was glorious in it.

I first saw him as the Earl of Leicster in The Virgin Queen which came on Masterpiece 7 or 8 years ago. You also see his naked butt in Band of Brothers which was 10+ years ago now. I've known of Mr. Hardy and his beautiful lips for a looooong time now.

There are actually several Native actors in the Twilight franchise. And there were quite a lot of American Indians in The New World, including actual Virginia Indian tribe members.

I'm not surprised about the Mary Murphy allegations. There is no amount of caffeine that can make someone as excited and crazy as she gets about that Hot Tamale Train, so I knew she was on some kind of drug.

I've never gotten past "Mi scusi" from Eurotrip. He's nightmare inducing in that movie.

Rob Brydon for Burton? I'd totally watch that. Michael Sheen? Rhys Ifans? Anthony Hopkins?! Aim for the stars, Lilo.

I couldn't pass it up when I found it. My mom loved it. I must get my sense of humor from her.

You win the internets today!

I wasn't breastfed and I seem to have a pretty great relationship with my mom. It's my dad who has put me in therapy for years.

My dad is from the Boise area, so I know what you mean about life in that part of the world. My mom hated living there, so after I was born they moved back to Virginia.

I'll go ask the Air Force folks a floor down.

Stay away from black soldiers. That is one that shocked me down to my core. I knew that the rampant racism existed, even in the UK and that the troops were segregated, but it just floored me. Marriages between black GIs and English women didn't happen and if they tried to they were denied based on the

As far as I know, there is only one book actually written specifically about British war brides and I used it as one of my few secondary sources. One of the big things I discovered is that the military was surprised by how many soldiers married up with the English girls. And that there was a ton of media coverage

I only rag on USAF because I grew up surrounded by Navy and Marines/work for DoN and have seen how much nicer the facilities and equipment are and how the Air Force gets treated. It's slightly bitter, but all in good fun, I assure you. I've known some pretty awesome Fly Boys and Girls.

I found stuff like this when I was researching for my senior project on war brides. Some of this stuff astounds me, but it is an ad. One of my favorite things I found was a pamphlet on how English girls should comport themselves around American GIs.

Well, he was Air Force...

My sister showed me a picture of John mayer in this week's EW and said "He's starting to look like your type." I responded with "Is he still John Mayer? Does he still make shitty music that our mom loves? Is he still an ass? Then, no. He is not my type. Now turn back to the Magic Mike photos."

At a Carbon Leaf concert. I wound up laying on the grass looking up at the sky and missing most of the headliner after being given Mad Dog by a man with drink carriers on his feet. Oh, to be 19 again.