

Hearted! I love this show so damn much. And what sucks is I'm the only person I know who watches it. The characters ARE me and my friends.

I have a friend letting me leach their HBO Go. Girls is amazing. I just can't get into Game of Thrones. Or Mad Men, for that matter. They just don't do it for me. And I totally begged my friend to give me his HBO Go for True Blood. Everything else is just gravy. Tasty, tasty cable gravy.

Awwwww! Poor dog. It's last nerve would be frayed here.

I'm certain my neighbors above me are preparing for a military parade in Red Square. I'm happy to be in the basement apartment, but not with Stalin's personal marching band upstairs.

Velvet is just wrong. On anyone. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about how it feels. It's the ickiest feeling material in the world.

That's still way too much. How much does the average New Yorker make?


Minor? I had chicken pox at 7 and ran a fever of 104+ for two full weeks. I had more pox on my body than my doctor had ever seen in 20 years of being a pediatrician. It isn't minor. It's terrifying to both children and parents and it can cause Shingles later in life. Do you know how dangerous that is? Also, if I

I'll ask about that at the doctor's on Saturday.

$3.424 a year?!?!?!?! I would need at least 4 room mates + me to pay for that. I live in Northern Virginia, granted the very outskirts of NOVA now, and I can barely scrape enough to pay my under $800 a month rent by myself.

I smoked for a while and I really came to resent the people who would remind me of this every time they saw me light up. Yes, I know it causes cancer. Yes, I know it's bad for me. Yes, I know you're judging me for it. I smoked because it calmed my nerves and actually led to me making quite a few friends. Quitting

I'm proud of Steve-O for working on his sobriety, and I may or may not have had a thing for him for 10+ years. It can't be easy dating a recovering addict, but I think it's kind of awful to break up with him so she can continue to party. But I'm not her and I've never been in that situation, and I don't necessarily

This is sadder than I expected it to be. RIP, Dick Clark.

I identify as Atheist and I don't eat pork. Not because it's a sin, but just because pork is nasty and really hard for me to digest. I do, however, love me some bacon.

I hugged my friend when she introduced me to that site.

I'm just hoping Felix the armadillo gets more face time in the new season.

If my snooping of the True Blood wiki is anything to go by, former Detective Stabler shall be playing THE vampire authority.


May 29th but who's counting? Not me. Nope. Not at all. It's only 57 days away and I don't have my copy on Blu Ray pre-ordered or anything. Not K8rid.