I cried! That was the best relationship on the show. And Jesus was just such a good person and character. And seriously hot. I love Kevin Alejandro's eyes.
I cried! That was the best relationship on the show. And Jesus was just such a good person and character. And seriously hot. I love Kevin Alejandro's eyes.
"Look how fast I can type 'Motherfucker.' Watch it. Did you see? I'll do it again."
I'm a huge fan of True Blood and I regularly rock my Fangtasia T-shirt. I am fully Team Eric. I just downloaded the first book and can't wait to start reading it. However, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for season % and am probably going to have a seasos one through four marathon soon. But you've made me even more…
EIGHT times in the theater. *cough* And I went to the Titanic on Tour thing when it came to my town. I got my first CD player for Christmas in 1997, right before I saw the movie. After I saw the movie, I woke up the next morning and my local pop station was playing "My Heart Will Go On." I thought it was a sign…
When I was at Medieval Times with a group of friends, we drunkenly sang "My Heart Will Go On" to our waiter before the show started. It was the first time I'd sung it since I was about 12. It felt nice. (It was the only song ALL 12 of us knew the words to).
It's the crooked glasses that make it seem cuter. Thank you! Oh, and I got my kitchen table at Goodwill for $20 and my giant, comfy couch from the Salvation Army for $65. I brag about them all the time.
Thank you! I had just had them done and colored not long before that photo was taken. They are not that dark or shapely the majority of the time and I only trust one person to do them and it is not me. BTW, your photo is seriously awesome. Before I even read the comment with it, I felt the Rocky Horror vibe.
Those cupcakes I made that night kicked my ass. But they were worth it. LOL This was a really great idea.
I would do lots of things but the only ones I'm certain of are pay off my student loans and start a charity to promote brain injury awareness a lot more and to fund research into how to treat and monitor TBI, including new medications and that sort of thing.
Aaaaaaand...this is another reason why I don't use Kotex anything. Not to mention that they're HUGE compared to my Playtex Sport supers (I use Tampax Pearl for lites because Playtex Sport does not come in Lite). I swear I lost my virginity to a Kotex tampon from the nurse's office in 8th grade.
Oh, I love this! Hearted.
This was awesome! But I still prefer Downton Tabby simply because of the cat and "I killz him wit my sex."
If I'm not wearing eyeliner, I really don't have on any other makeup. I don't leave the house without eyeliner.
All I could think of.
I was a little interested in Fifty Shades of Grey, but now that I just wikipedia'd it and found out it started as Twilight fanfic, I think I'll pass. If I want to get off on BDSM, I'll just call a guy I slept with for a while. The real thing is probably better anyway.
Paula Pell, I have had the same thought. That's a little scary because that is a random thought I had flipping between America's Next Top Model and a documentary on National Geographic. Because those are the things I like to watch.
Thank you for this map! I knew my area would've been in District 12. I definitely imagined District 11 to be the deep south. I got a plantation vibe from the description of it. I'm saving this map and emailing it to my mom.