
No one suspected Wanda would “become a villain” because everyone is used to the characters coded as heroes in their stories to remain so all the time. Despite trauma, outside influence, learning new information or perspectives, etc., we think the “good guy” will always learn the right lesson, make the sacrifice play,

It was, but he misspelled it, and kept the misspelled name.

Saying of a guy who likes conquest games, “He would, because he benefitted from aparteid” is a way of saying he likes aparteid. You may not remember when Senator Lieberman described video games as “kill-for-fun murder simulations,” but it’s the same idea: “That book/movie/game you like has conquest/shooting

Dang, dude, I just looked it up. I remembered CK was in TAS, but I sure forgot that Joker brainwashed him and few others. So, yeah, apparently that was a core memory I remembered just enough to think was my own.

But I would still like to see a story with that arc question addressed.

A script that writes itself goes like: Egghead, Kite Man, Condiment King, and more Z-list weirdos start showing up and trying to cause trouble, surprising people who aren’t taking them seriously by being extra-violent and getting a few civilians (and often, themselves) killed. Turns out, someone is behind all this,

If I may ask: I tried getting into Dark Souls 1 a few times on PC and never found the fun—too easily killed, no idea where to go, no idea how best to level up, etc.

I bought Bloodborne and thought I’d made the same mistake, but I pressed on and ultimately really enjoyed the game. Finding good tips online helped.


Agreed, it’s really annoying to hear her high-roading as soon as possible, “Oh, the female character has healing powers? Typical male fantasy...” It’s really like she heard “video game” and was like, “Ope, gotta insult his masculinity soon or I won’t be elected prom queen!”

I hated Dark Souls. I hated the first few hours of Bloodborne, and then I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will I like Elden Ring or hate it?

These things helped give the guide its personality, but what made it such a great complement to the game was the fact that it went to great lengths to not just spell everything out for you.

I understand that no analogy is 1-to-1, but you’re comparing two different diseases, one of which:
-Gives you a loss of taste and smell, flu-like symptoms, and can be deadly in rare circumstances unless you’re rather old or immunocompromised;

Point of information: Are the players using the mask doing anything to signify their own racist intent? Is there a chat option they are employing, or are they only targeting the Black survivors? I’ve never played, and I’m just wondering if people are saying just wearing the “mask” is racist or if people are doing

the only thing that would have been useful when turning him into a villain would have been to clearly put the skull logo in the bad guy camp.

Oof. Pancreatic cancer is the worst. And if you don’t treat it, yeah, enjoy this Christmas.

Thank you, Mr. Perez, for all the gorgeous work you’ve done. I hope you have peace in this life and joy in the next.

“Misses the point” is one of the dumbest phrases in modern English. 90% of the time it just means “Doesn’t engage with this concept the way I’d like them to.” This is no exception. MrBeast wants to clean the ocean. He will clean the ocean.

Why would anyone outside of “fandom” ever watch Ted Lasso? You think in the 60s people were like “But how are folks supposed to give a shit about Captain Kirk if they don’t already know who he is?” Every major franchise you ever GOT INTO was one you didn’t know about first!

Go back and read Iron Man comics before RDJ got ahold of him. Go back and read whether Thor was a frat bro before Hemsworth was cast. Read whether Star-Lord was 99% a dick or how long Cap fought crime before he saw Bucky alive as the Winter Soldier. Read whether Thanos’ idea for eliminating half of all life was

Clearly, toymaker Hasbro means “the family that ghostbusts together,” but you don’t need to have your mind wedged firmly in the gutter to be taken aback after reading the line.

I really don’t understand the logic of “People who played their games differently will be mad if the show display’s Shepard making different choices”. First off, Bioware has already told us most players followed a highly similar route, with the vast majority taking Paragon options again and again. Second, why are

Rogue One and Mandalorian both came out around 40 years after A New Hope, after seven to nine movies largely focused on Jedi and lightsabers. They came out after a TON of things had already been tried and shown from the core ideas of Star Wars.

You think Amazon bought/will buy the rights to Mass Effect and not center

It’s bad that he died without “turning his life around,” with regard to the way people are seeing him in most of the comments around here. It’s bad that his daughters are now fatherless, and no, I won’t hear it with “If he’s a bad father, they’re better off.” Again, yesterday there was the potential for him to change