I really appreciate you using the word “problematic” in the title, because it lets me know upfront that the content of this article will be: This person does something I really like, but she has opinions I dislike, and that is unacceptable.
I really appreciate you using the word “problematic” in the title, because it lets me know upfront that the content of this article will be: This person does something I really like, but she has opinions I dislike, and that is unacceptable.
Have I got a near-mint collectible Virtual Boy to sell you...
Cruz was left spluttering.
Stare at Miley’s right eye in the opening image. Now look anywhere else. You’ll notice it follows you.
Finish the sentence: If people don’t stop committing acts of cultural appropriation, then ____________________.
Is there an article of this kind written by a white person that doesn’t come off this tone-deaf and naturally elitist? I’d like to compare.
How is she different from someone who is transgender?
All you’re saying is that you’re right and anyone who disagrees with you is confirming your assertion. That’s textbook newspeak, a control of language designed to make unsavory thoughts literally unthinkable.
So they’re trans-exclusionary when Link is a trans who doesn’t choose to pass. Got it.
Agreed, even if the writer claim he’s religious, it really stinks of “This is too much/the wrong kind of religious commitment to not cheating on your wife.”
I’m reminded of how many preachers and theologians have explained how sincere and committed Christianity is rightly offensive to non-believers.
Tip: If you think it’s monstrous that Republicans fought against same-sex marriage, and especially if you used some form of “What they do in their bedrooms is none of your business,” you really have no leg to stand on and declare this a wrong code of sexual ethics to practice.
Myeah, I’m completely okay with two consenting adults living their lives the way they want to. It’s weird there are still some repressive people who want to put the kibosh on that, but if Mike Pence wants to honor this rule he’s made for himself, I’ll stay out of his bedroom about it. And his kitchen.
Kissell, what was her name?
The article doesn’t say, “This is bad because all-boy chools don’t work,” it says, “This is bad because girls aren’t getting an equal boon.” Your notion is legit, the article’s isn’t. We are responding to and calling out the article, not your legit notion.
TIL a Dvorak keyboard doesn’t have the letters “DVORAK” arranged sequentially on it. Guess it’s an eponym.
Most people, I think, would say they think their upbringing was below average, however you want to define that. Most people were also raised with some form of religion, and religion usually tells you how to live your life and “promises” good things if you live your life rightly. It’s pretty easy to marry “My parents…
I read the whole thing, and by the time she got to talking about how you can’t be married and feminist and how she tries to never work for men... just come out and say you want to be a Sep. The whole thing, for me at least, kinda devolved from “here are good points about the dilution of feminist ideals” to “The…
Damn, it sounded really good until about a minute in.
Or, to put it as Jesus put it, “Be perfect, as your father in Heaven is perfect.” So yes, Christianity is most definitely a call to stop being human. Bonhoeffer put it as: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” A popular hymn goes, “The wondrous cross/bids me come and die/and find that I/may…
Good riddance to that hateful, full of shit, piece of shit bastard.