
Honestly, though? I can see this question being dropped down the same memory hole as the one we all want to use for the bullshit questions women get like “Do you ever feel overwhelmed leading so many people?”

He shoulda just said. “I’m not married. There won’t be a first lady. Duh.”

So many things I want to say...

-I love how it’s wrong for him to not do what you told him to do.
-I love how you got the tattoo elsewhere, the same day, and you still needed to write this takedown piece.
-I love how people told you many tattoo artists don’t do necks and you still fumed.
-I love this (fragment of a)

At least insomuch as they don’t want to get punished for so, exactly.

Wow, all the talk of how much your life would be ruined if you got caught smoking pot makes me think people in Texas SHOULDN’T SMOKE POT. Seriously, it’s like the easiest way out of this situation is utterly unconscionable to most people on here.

Sorry so many people read your comment as some commentary on suicide itself and not literally, “You used an anfractuous phrase.”

Okay, I think I get it. The video can’t be a rape since she consentually planned and executed it, but it looks very much like a “found footage” of a rape. She goes further in timestamping it 2012 and using a familiar blue mattress. She’s telling us not to tell her it’s a rape if she says it isn’t one, and (I think)

Mmmyeah, how am I supposed to know whether my motives would upset her? To say nothing of the fact that she’s sorely mistaken if she thinks me and her live in the same universe where a person deserves to never be upset by another’s motives.

I now want someone to make some art pieces revolving around the concept of Choice

I just now am noticing how colorful this guy’s lips were. He seriously looks like’s wearing peach-colored lipstick.

My financial adviser says it takes nine years to double your money, and he’s got me on a pretty aggressive track. Who is saying you can do it in five, and how?

If that’s the case, then I’m glad I now get to tell people they aren’t wearing clothes I approve of and send them home to change. If “A woman can wear whatever the hell she wants,” then it includes this, and “You can just look away and not commodify her body.”

Interesting in that the ESRB definitely goes rate whether your game has tobacco usage in it, but League of Legends is T and is cited by the ESRB for tobacco use (Graves is the first one to pop in my head).

I seriously doubt having a cigar would push HotS over to M territory (but I’m not sure how the ESRB works and, if

Wasn’t this what we’ve always been told? How is this new information?

It’s very interestingly astounding how many commenters think the guys in this video are anything close to actually upset about this.

But Creel’s wife is Titania, a really strong woman who kicks men’s asses all the time, and thus not really the kind of person you’d marry if you’re a misogynist who hates the idea of a strong woman. That’s what I think Zodiac’s problem is.

He DID explain why it’s bad writing. You might not agree with him (like me), but he did explain that it was ham-fisted and way too obvious. He’s getting mad at what seems to amount to two pages and trashing the entire female Thor run with it, which doesn’t make much sense, but he said it was bad writing only after he

We pronounce it “Double-U.” Often, though, we craft it into an acronym, so WGWG would become, probably, “WigWig.”

Here’s what I think about the movie in as few words as possible: If you write a script for a movie, shoot it, and find out it’s three-and-a-half hours long (i.e. a length the studio will never, ever allow), you wrote a bad script, and you should have noticed that a LOT earlier.

Nothing, NOTHING in your main argument is true. I feel like saying, “Stop being stupid,” but I don’t want to be mean. I’ve been playing off and on since season 2, and here are some thoughts about this “problem”:

-I have probably 75% of the champions now, and that’s plenty to never get bored. I have multiple examples of