Never understood why the rest of the world didnt get this lovely elegant japanese version. Instead we got this monstrosity. Can anyone explain?
Never understood why the rest of the world didnt get this lovely elegant japanese version. Instead we got this monstrosity. Can anyone explain?
Why not? Does anybody care about politics..... anyone?
Damn i nearly fell off my chair...
Dear god i just ate a pizza :(
Just kill me... Kill me now :(
Yea let’s rage about everything . Because this is internet. Right?
Are you a bit insane? It seems that you are
I would get excited if it would be Sonic adventure 3 with chao gardens
It’s sexy until they see their boyfriend/husband playing it day and night
Grats and hope you live a happy life , get married , have lots of children and ......ok that’s it i guess. And plz don’t read the comments .
Em she wasn’t. i doubt she even knew what was happening. But 1 thing is for sure. That woman will have sex tonight
Vanilla is just nostalgia. Nothing more. It was crude unforgiving and unbalanced. I joined Kronos 2 hoping to recreate what i have felt when i started wow back then. Sorry but the feeling wasnt there anymore :(
Sorry to say this but Jason is just an ex-vanilla wow nerd. What he and his guild did in MC back then, is irrelevant now. His review was just a hating review of a person who wanted to hate the movie all along. I don’t say that the movie is a masterpiece but it’s not shit like Jason wanted us to believe. I liked what…
Kotaku had skilled writers? Seriously? Since when?
Sorry to say this but Vanilla servers are so popular because you don’t pay anything. I really want to see what happens if those servers implement a month fee.
You know what people should be critical of? The Warcraft movie, that’s what.
WTF. Are you sure what you have is a car?
Either you are nostalgic or you havent been at all in vanilla wow. Everything was crude and harse . Nothing was balanced. Warriors and Shamans were 1 shot pretty anybody in pvp. The only thing i liked in vanilla was the old orgrimmar, barrens chat and the server community. When BC came up i thought that finally i was…
You dont want to know how severe was the uproar in WOD about not being able to fly after you hit lvl cap. No, flying mounts aren’t the real problem of wow. About wow 2 . MMO sequels 99% of the times are failures
- Arathi Basin: The Lumber Mill, Blacksmith, and Farm flags have all been moved to the road connecting the three points, because apparently that’s where you all want to be anyway.